Essential Tips to Promote a Healing State.
I have known that stress inhibits healing since early in my journey, but as we all know, eliminating stress is easier said than done. That is why the second step of my healing strategy is emotional energy healing and one of the reasons is to reduce stress to promote a healing state.
It wasn’t until after doing years of inner work, did I realize that I had been living in a constant state of stress for my whole life. When you have always been living in stress, it’s hard to see because it’s all you’ve known.
Stress Inhibits Healing
Anyone experiencing chronic illness knows that illness adds new levels of stress to your life. Then when we add job and relationship challenges affected by illness, staying in a healing state can be difficult.
I started following Dr. Bruce Lipton many years ago. In the Biology of Belief, he has an entire chapter of an organism’s growth and protection functions. The protection mode is triggered when we feel stressed or have a traumatic event, both can create a fight, flight and freeze response. When we are stressed in protection we are not in growth.
So, a cell or a human cannot be stressed and heal itself at the same time. If you are in a state of continual stress then not only are your cells not healing, but they aren’t maintaining themselves, eliminating waste, or duplicating. The cells, the tissue, and ultimately your body does not have the vitality it needs, it becomes weak, and disease thrives.
I do many things to minimize my stress level to promote a healing state. The first thing that I do is to maintain a positive mindset by working in a masters class, I also focus on what is going well and I am constantly learning and experimenting on different types of healing.
I also do emotional energy healing, meditation, and use healing tools.
Meditation and Stillness
One way to get out of stress is to go into stillness or other meditative states. This take your focus into your body or into your breathing and out of your mind with all the busy thoughts.
It takes practice to stay focused, so just go back in when you catch yourself in your thoughts. It also helps to feel love and joy. Once you get experienced, you can be in stillness while doing other things.
In the book Sensitivity Is Your Superpower, Dr. Karen Kan shares stillness puts you in auto-healing mode and suggested doing it for 10% of your waking hours.
“In my experience, a profound auto-healing state of being is produced when 9-10 percent of your waking time is connected to Stillness.”1
I have been doing different emotional work, clearing, releasing, and meditation to promote a healing state for many years. This work has been transformative. I am not the same person; I am happier and feel more peace and love than ever before.
Emotional Energy Healing
Another way to get out of stress is to learn an emotional energy healing technique which is very important because practicing one can heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions, and trauma to promote a healing state. Many techniques are simple to use, and you can learn from a book or audio program. They include, but are not limited to Release Technique, Healing Codes, Quantum Energy Transformation, or EFT aka Tapping.
AO Scan
The AO Scan has many functions and two of them help me with stress and emotions. The Inner Voice provides music with healing frequencies to clear emotional imbalances and the SEFI (Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter) has thousands of healing frequencies that can be broadcast or imprinted. Some of the frequencies that I use to promote a healing state are inner peace, love, health, strength and recovery and there are many other helpful frequencies. If you are interested in learning more, see my AO Scan page or contact me through the Contact page of this website.
Lifewave patches
I have been using Lifewave patches for over two years and there are some patches that I believe help with stress to promote a healing state. I started with the Y-Age Aeon patch which is clinically proven to reduce stress in the body and promote relaxation. It also decreases inflammation and increases antioxidant production in the body.
I also use the X39 patch that activates stem cells, increases energy, and promotes better sleep. I and others believe it also improves mood.
The patches are natural, reflect particular wavelengths of light and nothing goes into the body. They support all aspects of my healing. If you are interested in learning more, see my LifeWave page or contact me through the Contact page of this website.
I know it’s often challenging when living with chronic illness and we need as many tools as possible.
All the best,
1. Kan MD, Karen. Sensitivity Is Your Superpower: How to Harness Your Gifts, Fulfill Your Purpose, and Create a Life of Joy (p. 58). Kindle Edition.
Optimizing Your Energy for Health and Wholeness…
I have experienced more improvements in the past six months than in any other period, thanks to the energy scanner optimizing the energy to restore the balance in my body.
An important step of my healing strategy is to detoxify or remove toxins from the body. This is important because anything that puts stress on the body limits its ability to heal. But at that time, I didn’t realize there could be so many other things causing illness or preventing healing.
There seems to be even more information on the other toxins causing illness and blocking healing. I have been using energy healers, healing MP3s, and healing glyphs to clear these things in my body and optimize my energy. Anyone experiencing chronic illness for years knows how it feels when you think you have tried everything. So, I was surprised to see such dramatic results from this new frequency healing device.
Toxins like chemicals and heavy metals are not the only things causing illness or preventing healing. viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, and parasites could also be a problem, as could trapped emotions and trauma. All these things create energetic blocks and cause imbalances in the body.
Optimize the energy in the body
Over the years, I have worked with practitioners who had scanners to detect toxins and emotions that were blocking my ability to heal. But in recent years I have not had this. In the Spring of 2022, I got an energy scanner, and now I can see how many areas are out of balance. The scanner tries to optimize the energy in the body and has healing and detoxifying frequencies. The reports from the scanner show what is still out of balance and I use the scanner frequencies and other energy-healing tools in those areas to restore the balance. As I optimize the energy in my body, it is able to heal and I get stronger.
I have experienced more improvements in the past six months than in any other period, thanks to the energy scanner optimizing the energy and my focus on clearing viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, and parasites. My speech, strength, and agility have all improved dramatically. The scanner also sends tones with frequencies to balance out emotions and that has helped me to be happier and more at peace.
The scanner that I have is a handheld device that can be used remotely. You can scan or send frequencies to anyone, anywhere.
Free Remote Scan
If you are interested in experiencing a remote scan, please contact me through the Contact page of this website or Energy Healing Strategies Facebook page.
Dawn McCrea
The features of the AO Scan are shown below.
I n n e r – Vo i c e
The Inner-Voice program helps harmonize your emotional state by improving concentration, creativity, and emotional intelligence.This program records a ten second snippet of your voice to isolate and analyze imbalances in your emotional state that present themselves through your vocal chords. The Inner-Voice report will display three notes or octaves that are excessively out of balance, as well as the main octave that is being suppressed, and four MP3 files are generated.
V i t a l s
The Vitals Scan analyzes the energetic state of your blood biology to identify which areas are out of balance, and then sends optimizing frequencies to reset the oscillation of the areas needing help. The information obtained from the scan includes reports of before and after the optimization of areas like toxicity, food sensitivities, heavy metals, nutritional analysis, and more.
C o m p r e h e n s i v e
The Comprehensive Scan performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes in your body.
The Comprehensive Scan provides a graphical report that displays variances from homeostasis ranging from 1-9. Frequency optimization will pick up anything out of range and will generate canceling frequencies that will help you balance your organs or system to achieve a state of homeostasis (complete balance).
SEFI is the shining star of the AO Scan Technology! SEFI stands for Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter, and is a technology designed to capture, amplify and imprint frequencies that can either be broadcasted to an individual, or imprinted into an object. There are hundreds of frequencies.The scanner is not a medical device it doesn’t do a chemical analysis, it scans and optimizes your energy. The reports show what is out of balance and I use the scanner frequencies and other energy-healing tools in those areas to restore the balance. As I optimize the energy in my body, it is able to heal and I get stronger.
The Easiest and Most Comprehensive Healing Tool I Have Seen.
The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Part 3
My Healing Story
I have been on a healing journey for 20 years, experiencing muscle weakness due to a nervous system illness. Even after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) aka Lou Gehrig’s disease, I knew that I would find a way to heal. Over the years, I used many different techniques and learned something from each one. However, there was no one thing that healed all the issues. So, I created my own healing practice for healing that works for me. Through a combination of energy healing, dietary, environmental, and mindset changes, I stopped the progression of the illness many years ago. To assist other people, I want to share what I’ve learned so that you can create a practice that works for you.
Energy Healing Strategy
My healing strategy is based on the idea that our bodies know how to heal and it’s our job is to support it. There are many ways to support our healing, we should have a positive mindset; we should remove obstacles to healing like stress, limiting beliefs, and toxins; and increase energy both internally and externally.
The 5 Steps to Self-Healing strategy can be done with traditional and alternative treatments.
5 Steps
Step 1 – Achieve and Maintain a Positive Mindset;
Step 2 – Emotional Energy Healing;
Step 3 – Detoxify Chemicals and Heavy Metals;
Step 4 – Increase energy from Internal Sources; and
Step 5 – Increase energy from External Sources
See The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Part 1 for Step 1 and Part 2 for Steps 2 and 3.
Step 4 – Increase energy from Internal Sources
The fourth step of my self-healing is to increase energy from internal sources. Even when our mindset is on track and we are in a healing state (not in stress), we may need more energy to repair. It is possible to increase the level of healing energy in the body through meditation which also reduces stress, increases energy flow and energetic frequency. There are many books and audios on this.
It can be as simple as sitting quietly while feeling Love and Joy with focused breath. Quantum Touch has the same benefits as meditation, you can also use it for healing. It works through breath work and focused intention on Love.1
Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Kundalini Yoga are also well known to increase energy and have healing benefits.
See Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 1) for more.
Step 5 – Increase energy from External Sources
The fifth step of my self-healing is to increase energy from external sources. Even when our mindset is on track and we are in a healing state (not in stress), we may need more energy to repair. The best thing to do is go outside and put your bare feet on the ground and sit in the sun. If you can’t get outside there are ways to bring the outdoors in. 2 and VibesUp 3 both bring earth energy indoors. Many devices bring light indoors, bright light, Red, and Near-Infrared.
Being indoors around electronics and EMFs is stressful and will inhibit healing. Since I spend a lot of time indoors, I have many tools to energize me like, light therapy, crystals, essential oils, and structured water. I have been “structuring “my water for many years. I have devices that use vortexing and sacred geometry. I also filter it and use crystals and other energy healing tools. To learn more about structured water, visit The Wellness Enterprise or the structured water page.
Last year I discovered phototherapy patches and I have experienced more improvements with the patches in energy, strength, and coordination than anything that I have ever used. I put the patches on and I feel energized and energy opens up instantly. After using the patches for a couple of months, I felt stronger, and better able to hold my posture, move more easily, and speak more fluidly. While I have maintained mental acuity, I also notice increased cognitive agility. I feel unstoppable.
To learn more, see phototherapy page.
See Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 2) for more.
The Daily Practice
The Daily Practice – Your daily practice should include the Inner work and external work to eliminate toxins, increase energy from nature, and using healing tools. We are all different, so our practices will be different.
- A couple of times a day, or as needed, read or listen to inspiring messages.
- Create a Journal from Step 2, write down emotions, people and issues that trigger you. Review it and add any new issues, check in to see which ones need attention, and do some healing.
- Meditate or do Quantum Touch remembering to give yourself Love, Approval, and Gratitude.
- Go outside to be in nature, use energy devices, drink structured water, use essential oils.
- Avoid toxins in your food, water, and personal care products.
I use several different healing tools that I share on my website and Facebook page Energy Healing Strategies and private support group.6
See The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Part 1 for Step 1 and Part 2 for Steps 2 and 3.
- Gordon, Richard, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2006, Print.
The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Part 2
My Healing Story
I have been on a healing journey for 20 years, experiencing muscle weakness due to a nervous system illness. Even after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) aka Lou Gehrig’s disease, I knew that I would find a way to heal. Over the years, I used many different techniques and learned something from each one. However, there was no one thing that healed all the issues. So, I created my own healing practice for healing that works for me. Through a combination of energy healing, dietary, environmental, and mindset changes, I stopped the progression of the illness many years ago. To assist other people, I want to share what I’ve learned so that you can create a practice that works for you.
Energy Healing Strategy
My healing strategy is based on the idea that our bodies know how to heal and it’s our job is to support it. There are many ways to support our healing, we should have a positive mindset; we should remove obstacles to healing like stress, limiting beliefs, and toxins; and increase energy both internally and externally.
The 5 Steps to Your Self-Healing strategy can be done with traditional and alternative treatments.
5 Steps
Step 1 – Achieve and Maintain a Positive Mindset;
Step 2 – Emotional Energy Healing;
Step 3 – Detoxify Chemicals and Heavy Metals;
Step 4 – Increase energy from Internal Sources; and
Step 5 – Increase energy from External Sources
See The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Part 1 for Step 1 and Part 3 for Steps 4 and 5.
Step 2 – Emotional Energy Healing
For me, the second step of my self-healing, emotional energy healing, has been very transformational. I am not the person that I was before. I was so unaware of what I was experiencing in my life. Due to insecurities and self-worth issues, I did everything that I could to not feel, like to distract and numb myself. I was in a constant state of stress for decades. I was heading for an illness or health issue of some kind.
When I say emotional energy healing, I mean a method that clears or releases trauma and stress triggers. When you do that you can remain in a healing state more. Some of the methods of emotional energy healing are Healing Codes, Emotion Code, Quantum Energy Transformation™, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), The Wonder Method, etc… Many techniques are simple to use and you can learn them from a book, audio program or you can hire a practitioner.
Keep a journal of issues to clear or release, including but not limited to issues and people that cause you stress; past trauma; limiting beliefs to what is possible; limiting beliefs to loving yourself unconditionally.
Due to the inner-work, I learned self-care, emotionally and physically. Now when I feel something, I feel it, acknowledge it, love it and allow it to leave. I have spent years doing the inner work clearing trapped emotions. I feel better about myself than I ever have.
I learned that I am lovable, I am worthy, and I deserve good things. I don’t need anyone to give me love and approval, I can give it to myself any time that I choose.
See Remove Blocks to Healing…Increase Your Ability to Heal, Energy Healing Techniques to Release Stress – The Healing Codes (Part 1), and Energy Healing Techniques to Release Stress – The Release Technique.
Step 3 – Detoxify Chemicals and Heavy Metals
The third step of my self-healing is to detoxify chemicals and heavy metals, it’s important to change the diet to organic foods, use natural personal care and household cleaning products. Also, you can eliminate toxins from the body consider using an infrared sauna and supplements.
I try to eat organic and non-GMO and use all-natural personal care and cleaning products. People have healed using a raw food diet and Paleo, which so different that I don’t think that a particular diet is the answer. You might want to work with a natural doctor or nutritionist to help with diet and supplements.
I use lots of vibes and earthing products to protect me from EMF and cell phone radiation.
See The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Parts 1 for step 1 and Parts 3 for steps 3 and 4.
The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing – Part 1
My Healing Story
I have been on a healing journey for 20 years, experiencing muscle weakness due to a nervous system illness. Even after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) aka Lou Gehrig’s disease, I knew that I would find a way to heal. Over the years, I used many different techniques and learned something from each one. However, there was no one thing that healed all the issues. So, I created my own healing practice for healing that works for me. Through a combination of energy healing, dietary, environmental, and mindset changes, I stopped the progression of the illness many years ago, To assist other people, I want to share what I’ve learned so that you can create a practice that works for you.
Energy Healing Strategy
My healing strategy is based on the idea that our bodies know how to heal and it’s our job is to support it. There are many ways to support our healing, we should have a positive mindset; we should remove obstacles to healing like stress, limiting beliefs, and toxins; and increase energy both internally and externally.
I am sure that most of you are familiar with Dr. Bruce Lipton and his book The Biology of Belief. I discovered him early in my healing journey and this quote became the cornerstone of my healing strategy.
“It is also important to note to fully experience your vitality it takes more than just getting rid of life’s stressors. In a growth-protection continuum, eliminating the stressors only puts you at the neutral point in the range. To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulates growth processes.” 1
The 5 Steps to Self-Healing strategy can be done with traditional and alternative treatments.
5 Steps to Self-Healing
Step 1 – Achieve and Maintain a Positive Mindset;
Step 2 – Emotional Energy Healing;
Step 3 – Detoxify Chemicals and Heavy Metals;
Step 4 – Increase energy from Internal Sources; and
Step 5 – Increase energy from External Sources

Step 1 – Achieve and Maintain a Positive Mindset
The first step of my self-healing is to achieve and maintain a positive mindset. This step is to know that it is possible to heal, never give up and keep exploring. Search for and connect with people who have or are healing. Read books, watch videos, join groups and follow people who have healed, who inspire, or motivate you. What did these people do? How did they do it?
After being given a diagnosis of ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), which for many is terminal, instead of worrying about what might happen, I continued living as if I wasn’t going to die…
Even while doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong, I was working with an incredibly supportive group of alternative and energy healing practitioners. Meanwhile, I kept trying treatment, supplements, and energy healing, I kept the ones that helped, discarded the ones that didn’t, and continued to try new ones. I NEVER GAVE UP.
Also, to the extent possible, limit the amount of time you spend with negative people. Unfortunately, we can’t avoid all the negative people and messages. But we can learn to limit the impact they have on us and our attitude. So, when someone says a discouraging fact or belief, replace it with an encouraging belief from someone who is healing. Do not engage with them. Choose to FOCUS on the positive messages, not on the naysayers and negative ones. I generally ignore people who have a limited view of what’s possible. For more on mindset, see How to Cultivate a Healing. Mindset…

Focus and Visualization
It doesn’t matter what you want, health, abundance or love, choose it and powerfully focus on it. When you look at yourself as whole and perfect, things may change to reflect what you focus on. Spend more time every day seeing yourself doing the things that bring you joy and feel the joy and freedom, as if you are doing them.
“That is what was meant by when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Through your focus. Play with this. If you want to create more love, if you want to create more abundance, if you want to create more inspiration—it doesn’t matter what it is—choose it and focus on it, powerfully focus.”2
Knowing that healing is possible is critical to healing. That doesn’t mean that everyone who believes it’s possible will heal, but if they don’t it’s less likely that they will.
See The 5 Step Guide to Your Self-Healing Part 2 and Part 3
8 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude, No Matter What…
- Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.
- The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 17, 2021,
5 Steps to Self-Healing with Phototherapy Patches
My Healing Strategy
I have been on a healing journey for 20 years, experiencing muscle weakness due to a nervous system illness, ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Over the years, I used many different techniques and I learned something from each one, but there was no one thing that healed all the issues. So, I created my own healing practice for healing that works for me. Through a combination of energy healing, dietary, environmental, and mindset changes, I stopped the progression of the illness many years ago, To assist other people, I want to share what I’ve learned so that you can create a practice that works for you.
Energy Healing Strategy
My healing strategy is based on the idea that our bodies know how to heal and it’s our job is to support it. There are many ways to support our healing, we should have a positive mindset; we should remove obstacles to healing like stress, limiting beliefs, and toxins; and increase energy both internally and externally. The strategy can be done with traditional and alternative treatments.
Phototherapy Patches
Late in 2020, I discovered phototherapy patches and have experienced more physical improvements with these patches in energy, strength, and coordination than anything that I have ever used. After using the patches for a couple of months, I felt stronger and better able to hold my posture, move as intended, and speak more fluidly. While I have maintained mental acuity and sharpness, I also notice increased cognitive agility.
The patches are natural, reflect particular wavelengths of light and nothing goes into the body. They support all aspects of my healing strategy. I list which patch I believe helps support each step.
5 Steps
Step 1 – Achieve and Maintain a Positive Mindset;
Step 2 – Emotional Energy Healing;
Step 3 – Detoxify Chemicals and Heavy Metals;
Step 4 – Increase energy from Internal Sources; and
Step 5 – Increase energy from External Sources

Step 1 – Achieve and Maintain a Positive Mindset
The first step of my self-healing is to achieve and maintain a positive mindset. This step is to know that it is possible to heal, to never give up, and keep exploring. Search for and connect with people who have or are healing. Read books, watch videos, join groups and follow people who have healed, who inspire, or motivate you. What did these people do? How did they do it? See 8 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude, No Matter What…
Phototherapy Patches -. To support achieving and maintaining a positive mindset, the Aeon and Nirvana patches would be beneficial.
- Y-Age Aeon patch is clinically proven to reduce stress in the body and promote relaxation.
- Nirvana Patches enhance mood.
Step 2 – Emotional Energy Healing
For me, the second step of my self-healing, emotional energy healing, has been very transformational. Because of my inner work, I am not the person that I was before. I was so unaware of what I was experiencing in my life, but now I am fully present. Due to insecurities and self-worth issues, I did everything that I could to not feel, like to distract and numb myself. As a result, I lived in a constant state of stress for decades. Consequently, I was heading for an illness or health issue of some kind. See Remove Blocks to Healing…Increase Your Ability to Heal.
Phototherapy Patches -. To support emotional energy healing, the Aeon and Nirvana patches would be beneficial.
- Y-Age Aeon patch is clinically proven to reduce stress in the body and promote relaxation.
- Nirvana Patches enhance mood.
Step 3 – Detoxify Chemicals and Heavy Metals
The third step of my self-healing is to detoxify my body from chemicals and heavy metals, it’s important to change my diet to organic foods, and use natural personal care and household cleaning products. Also, you can eliminate toxins from the body consider using an infrared sauna and supplements.
Phototherapy Patches -. For detoxifying chemicals and heavy metals, the glutathione patch would be beneficial.
- Y-Age Glutathione patch supports a healthy immune system and improves overall health. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant.

Step 4 – Increase energy from Internal Sources
The fourth step of my self-healing is to increase energy from internal sources. Even when our mindset is on track and we are in a healing state (not in stress), we may need more energy to repair. It is possible to increase the level of healing energy in the body through meditation and energy healing and they also reduce stress, increase energy flow and energetic frequency. There are many books and audios on this. See Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal. (Part 1)
Phototherapy Patches -. For supporting increasing energy from internal sources, Aeon and Nirvana patches would be beneficial.
- Y-Age Aeon patch is clinically proven to reduce stress in the body and promote relaxation.
- Nirvana patch enhances mood.
Step 5 – Increase energy from External Sources
The fifth step of my self-healing is to increase energy from external sources. Even when our mindset is on track and we are in a healing state (not in stress), we may need more energy to repair. The best thing to do is go outside and put your bare feet on the ground and sit in the sun. If you can’t get outside there are ways to bring the outdoors in. 4 and VibesUp 5 both bring earth-healing energy indoors. There are also many healing devices that bring light indoors, bright light, Red, and Near-Infrared. See Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 2) and Energy Healing: pH, Electrons and Earthing.
Phototherapy Patches -. For increasing energy from external sources, X39, Energy Enhancer, nirvana, Y-Age Carnosine, and Alavida Patches would be beneficial.
- X39 patch elevates the peptide GHKCu which activates the body’s stem cells, providing incredible benefits.
- Energy Enhancer patches are clinically proven to increase energy and endurance and support a physical fitness routine.
- Y-Age Carnosine patch is clinically shown to increase stamina by up to 125%*, improves strength and flexibility, improve overall health and improves bioelectrical properties of organs.
- Nirvana patch enhances mood.
- The Alavida patch is scientifically proven formulations that improve the health of your skin—from the inside out.
The patches support all aspects of my healing strategy. I have experienced more healing and physical improvements with these patches in energy, strength, and coordination than anything that I have ever used. After using the patches for a couple of months, I felt stronger, and better able to hold my posture, move as intended, and speak more fluidly. While I have maintained mental acuity and sharpness, I also notice increased cognitive agility.
I feel unstoppable.
Dawn McCrea
Remove Blocks to Healing…Increase Your Ability to Heal.
In my 15-year healing journey, I have worked with many alternative and energy healers and have learned many techniques and approaches to natural healing. I created my own healing strategy that is helping me heal and rebuild my body.
The focus of my own healing strategy is to remove blocks to healing and increase the energy available for healing.
Our bodies know how to heal, but they may not be able to because of stress, toxins and lack of resources. It is up to us to release trapped negative emotions and stress triggers, eliminate toxins and increase the healing energy available.
I wrote 2 articles on increasing healing energy, now I want to focus on removing blocks to healing. The blocks to healing that I focus on are Stress and Trapped Emotions and Physical Toxins. See links for articles called Increase Your Energy, Part 1 and Part 2
While I do many things to increase energy available for healing, I believe removing blocks to healing has been incredibly important as true healing is transformation.
Blocks to Healing
Stress and Trapped Emotions 
I believe learning how to release stress and trapped emotions is the most important skill you can learn.
“90 percent of all pain that we experience is due to trapped emotions to emotional baggage”
“Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source of everything that ails us. That’s the world we live in. Now imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heart the perfect creation that’s inside…” E-Motion The Movie 3
See the link to read more about stress and illness, Stress and Healing.
There are many things we can do to reduce the stress and trapped emotions, we can use an emotional energy healing, meditate, learn to be present and change the way we think.
Emotional Energy Healing
Practicing an energy healing technique can heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions and trauma. There are many techniques that are simple to use and you can learn from a book or audio program.
Techniques like Release Technique, Healing Codes, Quantum Energy Transformation, or EFT aka Tapping help you heal your feelings and emotions.
Meditation may sound intimidating but there are so many benefits it is well worth learning. It can be easy to learn and with practice, you can master it. See this Huffington Post article for meditation benefits. 1
There are many books on meditation. I am really enjoying Dr. Joe Dispenza’s new book, Becoming Supernatural it has so many easy meditations.
Be Present
The majority of stress comes from regret or judgment of the past or Worry and Fear of the Future. So, try not to focus on the past or worry about what might happen, focus on the present.
“As you take your attention off your past-present reality or your predictable future reality, you are calling energy back to you and building your own electromagnetic field. Now you have available energy to heal yourself or to create a new experience in your life.” 2
Change The Way You Think
Stress is not something that happens to you, it’s your perception, reaction or expectation of a situation that may or may not have happened.
You always have a choice to be stressed or be at peace in any situation, it’s up to you
“The point of power is in the present moment… right here and right now in our minds. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had negative patterns, an illness, a rotten relationship, lack of finances, or self-hatred.
We can begin to make a change today. The thoughts we’ve held and the words we’ve repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. Yet, that is past thinking; we’ve already done that.
What we’re choosing to think and say, today, at this moment, will create tomorrow and the next
day and the next week and the next month and the next year, and so on.
The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where we begin to make changes. What a liberating idea. We can begin to let the old nonsense go. Right now. The smallest beginning will make a difference. “ Excerpt is taken from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay 4
Welcome and love exercise
I learned this from Release Technique, when negative emotions come up they’re coming up because they are ready to leave. When you notice them, welcome them and release them by allowing them to leave. Be gentle and loving, don’t try to force or fight with them. Remember what you resist will persist.
Continue to welcome any negative emotions, allow them to leave and give them and you lots of love until you feel peaceful and light.
Since I wrote this article, I have added new tools to help remove toxins from my body and my environment. I have made remarkable improvements physically so I am writing about this and will post it soon.
In the meantime, see the AO Scan page.
Blessings on your journey,
- Meditation Benefits
- E-Motion The Movie
- Dispenza, Dr. Joe. Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon (p. 57 and 60). Hay House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
- Hay, Louise. Heal Your Body. Hay House. Kindle Edition.
How to Cultivate a Healing Mindset…
In order to heal, you must have a Healing Mindset, you must Know you can Heal, Be Positive, Take Action, Accept and Trust. We all know that we should focus on the positive things, but that isn’t always easy when you have financial, physical or emotional issues…
The steps to cultivating a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…
We have all heard the phrase, “What You Resist, Persists” from the Law of Attraction. This idea also applies to healing. The more we think about what is wrong with us, the more we bring what is wrong into our lives. Our thoughts create our reality. We also hear about surrendering and letting go of expectation because when we are attached to an outcome, it creates inter turmoil and stress. .
When I first heard about Surrendering, I resisted it. But it doesn’t mean giving up or accepting that the situation will not change, it means stop fighting what is right now. I sometimes get frustrated or discouraged when I work hard to get a result and it doesn’t happen. I have learned and experienced that when I resist, it just gets harder.
I know that experiencing illness can feel overwhelming because it exacerbates the issues you had prior to the illness. I would not have chosen to live the life I have over the last 15 years, but I have become so much stronger, accepting and more confident because of all the emotional energy healing that I’ve done. I only did the work because of illness and resulting job loss.
When i get discouraged, i look for the lessons and the kindness around me. I continue doing whatever I can to support my healing and stay in love and peace.
“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.” ― Marianne Williamson
In addition to the Law of Attraction, thinking about what is wrong causes stress and lowers consciousness which hinders healing.
Dr. David R. Hawkins performed a study to map the levels of consciousness which is documented in his book Power vs. Force. According to Dr. Hawkins:
“all levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.”1
So according to this work, holding emotions such as humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate or scorn (which are below 200) are destructive to your life.
We want our thoughts / emotions to be at the level of Love 500 or higher on the Map of Consciousness for optimal healing.
“The elimination of suppressed emotions has a positive health benefit. It decreases the overflow of energy into the body’s autonomic nervous system, and it unblocks the acupuncture energy system (demonstrable by a simple muscle test). Therefore, as a person constantly surrenders, physical and psychosomatic disorders improve and frequently disappear altogether. There is a general reversal of pathologic processes in the body and a return to optimal functioning.”2
We accept our situation as it is now, knowing that we are healing and can recover. We need to surrender and trust.
The steps to having a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…
Each step will be explained in separate posts, see links below.
The Steps to a Healing Mindset: Steps 1 and 2
The Steps to a Healing Mindset: Steps 3, 4 and 5
Blessings With Pure Source Energy,
- Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002, Print.
- Hawkins, David R.. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender . Veritas Publishing. Kindle Edition.