Energy Healing Techniques to Release Stress – The Healing Codes (Part 1)

As I discussed in my post on Causes of illness, stress is a significant cause of illness.  Some believe 75% – 90% of illnesses are because of stress, or at the least, stress contributed to the illness.  I want the discuss how to use energy healing to release/clear stress, trauma, blocks and limiting beliefs.  If I had to pick one component of my healing strategy that had the most impact to my healing it would be this one.  Many energy healing therapies work because once you clear the stress/trauma or energetic blocks your body knows how to heal itself.  This is assuming that your body has the physical and emotional vitality (resources), of course.  There are so many different types of energy healing therapies and I am not familiar with all of them, so I will only mention the ones that I have used, in the order that I became aware of them.  The Healing Codes, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka Tapping, Theta Healing, Meta Healing Process, Quantum Touch’s Self Created Health and The Release Technique are all techniques that I have used.  Meta Medicine is tool that helps identify the type and content of the trauma that caused the stress.

I came across a book called The Heading Code by Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson.1  The reason it caught my attention was one of the authors Dr. Ben Johnson was diagnosed with ALS and was able to heal himself using the healing codes in a matter of weeks.  I was so excited and thought that I had found the “cure”.  I dove in, I bought the book, bought The Healing Codes program and signed up for a group program with Dr. Loyd.  This was quite a discovery for me and opened up the idea that stress and trauma cause physical stress on your body that prevents your body from functioning properly and therefore, creates illness and disease.

I used The Healing Code products for about nine months.  I learned a lot about energy healing, causes of illness, how to clear limiting beliefs and about myself.  I did notice significant increase in my level of happiness and self-esteem, some physical improvement in my ability to walk and speak, and I completely healed a terrible stomach problem.  I also like the Heart Issue Finder which is a tool that helps you identify which issues to work on.  As you do the codes on an issue, it will clear and then you use it again and it tells you what to work on next, it’s a nice tool.

I am sure that I could have made even more progress if I have continued using the healing codes process, but I heard about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping and Theta Healing and decided to try some new ways to clear my issues.

There are so many energy healing therapies that work to release the stress/trauma or energetic blocks so your body heals itself.  I will discuss EFT, Theta Healing, Meta Medicine, Quantum Touch and The Release Technique.  I believe that this component of my healing strategy had the most impact to my healing, but you need to pick the one that’s best for you.

Loyd, Alex and Dr. Ben Johnson, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Any Health, Success and Relationship Issues, Arizona, Intermedia Publishing Group, Inc., 2010, Print.

  1. Photos from

Causes of Illness: Energy Healing Strategies

The second component of any healing strategies is releasing stress and trauma.  Many energy healing techniques work because they release or clear stress or a traumatic event and then the body heals itself.  Before I discuss how to identify and clear the stress, I want to discuss how I have come to believe that stress and trauma could cause disease or inhibit healing.  I believe there are other causes besides stress and trauma, but right now I want to discuss only those two.

The first time I heard that over 75% – 90% of all illness and disease was caused by stress was from The Healing Code book written by Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson. 1  In this book, Dr. Loyd discussed the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief.

In the Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton has an entire chapter of the growth and protection functions of an organism.  The growth function not only refers to growing from children to adult, but also in the repair and maintenance of our bodies.  The protection mode is triggered when we feel stressed or have a traumatic event, both can create a fight or flight response.  He explains the interaction between the two as follows:

“… humans unavoidably restrict their growth behaviors when they shift into a protection mode.  If you’re running from a mountain lion, it’s not a good idea to expend energy on growth.  In order to survive—that is, escape the lion—you summon all your energy for your fight or flight response.“

“Inhibiting growth process is also debilitating in that growth is a process that not only expends energy but is also required to produce energy.  Consequently, a sustained protection response inhibits the creation of life-sustaining energy.” 2

So, a cell or a human cannot be stressed and healing itself at the same time.  If you are in a state of continual stress then not only are your cells not healing, but they are not maintaining themselves, eliminating waste or duplicating.  The cells, the tissue and ultimately your body does not have the vitality it needs, it becomes weak and disease thrives.

Obviously, most of us are not encountering mountain lions in our lives, but Dr. Lipton explains that emotional stress creates the same biological response in our bodies.  The difference is that this emotional stress is continuous.

“We are constantly besieged by multitudes of unresolvable worries about our lives, our jobs and war-torn global community.  Such worries do not threaten our immediate survival, but they nevertheless can activate the HPA axis, resulting in chronically elevated stress hormones.” 2

“Almost every major illness that people acquire has been linked to chronic stress. (Sergerstrom and Miller 2004; Kopp and Rethelyi 2004; McEwen and Lasky 2002; McEwen and Seeman 1999)  Between 75 and 90 percent of primary-care physician visit have stress as a major contributing factor.  (Atkinson 2000) 2

I know that stress and several traumatic events either caused or greatly contributed to the physical condition of my body.  In it important to note, that what a person finds stressful depends on many things including their family lives and culture.  In the years following my diagnosis, because of the increase in physical limitations, personal problems and resulting stress, I developed other types of illnesses.  As the stress increased so did the severity of the symptoms and number of other ailments.  It was not until I started releasing the emotions of the stress and traumas did things start to turn around and my body began to heal. But by then, I had added layers upon layers of stress and ailments.  I am sure that if I started releasing when I was diagnosed, then I would not have gotten as weak as I did.  Hopefully now that energy healing is more publicized and common people will be able to aid in their own healing and even prevent illness.

When we learn how to release the stress and trauma affecting our bodies, we allow our bodies to return to the growth process so we can either heal or prevent illness.  There are many methods that release or clear stress and trauma trapped in your body.  Also, there are energy healing techniques that can be used to manage stress and they will be discussed later.

  1.  Loyd, Alex and Dr. Ben Johnson, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Any Health, Success and Relationship Issues, Arizona, Intermedia Publishing Group, Inc., 2010, Print.
  2. Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.

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The Power of Your Thoughts and Energy Healing – Action Steps (Part 3)

As I discussed in Part 1 and Part 2 of The Power of Your Thoughts of Healing, your thoughts not only form what comes into your life (the law of attraction), but they also create energy that is either beneficial or harmful to your body.  When you combine the two, your thoughts are incredibly important to your health.  I am not saying that thinking empowering thoughts will instantly heal you, but thinking about illness and death could have a negative effect on your health.  I believe that learning to change your thoughts to empowering, positive ones that support your goals can help you heal, and is therefor an important method of energy healing.

After hearing the diagnosis of Lou Gehrig’s disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), I looked into what supplements could help support my body.  I did not do research on what would happen as the disease progressed and didn’t think about dying.  I continued to work, to work out, cook and to ride my horse.  Riding my horse made me so happy it filled me with joy.  Obviously, my body wasn’t working properly so riding had its challenges, but I did what I could.  I also loved cooking and enjoyed working, they gave me a sense of accomplishment.  During the first few years the progression of the disease was slow.

Things got more challenging when the life I had known fell apart because of marital problems, divorce and financial worries.  At that point, my condition got much worse because of stress of the negativity of my thoughts.  It took years of research, learning about energy healing and healing work to turn it around and I started seeing physical improvement.  As I said in Part 2, when things in your life are not going the way you want, it can be difficult to keep an optimistic viewpoint and think empowering thoughts.  It does require practice and being around people who support you and your hopes and goals.

In addition to paying attention to your thoughts, look around you, your physical reality shows you what you are thinking.  I am sure than many people won’t like to hear that they created the life they are living, and maybe they didn’t.  But, I can now see that my thoughts created an environment that was very stressful and how that decreased my body’s vitality.  My body was so stressed that it did not function correctly and I got physically ill.  I will discuss the impact of stress and trauma and method of identifying and clearing them in later posts.

Action Steps to Changing your Thoughts

  1. Decide what you want, it could be health, a new job or an improved relationship;
  2. Focus on how you would feel emotionally when you achieve your goal; or
  3. If you don’t have a specific goal, focus on anything positive you can find in your situation that makes you feel good;
  4. Monitor your thoughts; if you are feeling angry, sad or hopeless, then you are not thinking thoughts that will help you.  Learn to release the emotion behind those thoughts. Change to the positive thoughts that make you feel good;
  5. Look at your life and physical reality; if your life is not what you want it to be, then you need to change your thoughts.
  6. Keep reading or listening to anything that makes you feel good or inspires you.  See list below for the things I found helpful on My Favorites tab.
  7. When something happens that causes emotional pain, take a few minutes to allow yourself to feel the pain and then release it.

I truly believe that I will heal completely; I visualize what I will look when I am healed and how that will make me feel.  I do not focus on the disease or the worst case scenario.  When something happens that is upsetting or makes me sad, I let myself feel it and then use one of the releasing/clearing techniques that I know.  Then I find something uplifting or inspirational so that I feel good.  Remember what Esther and Jerry Hicks say.

“Choose Better-Feeling Thoughts”1

I hope that I have explained just how important it is to think empowering thoughts that are in alignment with your goals, are positive and have a high vibrational frequency.  Changing your thoughts is a form of energy healing because it impacts the energy in your body and that is either beneficial or harmful.  I have a lists in speakers and books that I find informative and inspirational in My Favorites Tab.  Now I will discuss the causes of illness and how to clear the stress and trauma that impacts our health and remove blocks and limiting beliefs.

Love and Light,


1. Hicks, Esther and Jerry, Ask and It Is Given: Learning To Manifest Your Desires, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2004

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The Power of Your Thoughts and Energy Healing – The Frequency of Thoughts (Part 2)

As I discussed in Part 1 of The Power of Your Thoughts and Energy Healing, your thoughts not only form what comes into your life, the law of attraction, but they also create energy that is either beneficial or harmful.  In this post, I want to discuss the second way that our thoughts influence our health; it is that they contain energy.  Everything contains energy and energy vibrates at varying rates.  So, at any given point, we have a certain vibrational frequency which is influenced by what we think, what we eat and our environment.  Positive thoughts are believed to have a higher vibrational frequency and are more beneficial than negative thoughts.  So learning to change from negative thoughts and emotions is a form of energy healing,

Dr. David R. Hawkins performed a study to map the levels of consciousness which is documented in his book Power vs. Force.  He used applied kinesiology (muscle testing) to determine the level of consciousness of thousands of test subjects holding certain thoughts.  He rates the level of 1 is just being alive and 1000 as being enlightened.  As he discusses in the book he had subjects hold the thought of love and then tested them at various numbers and determined love had a level of 500.  According to Dr. Hawkins, “all levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.” 1  So according to this work, holding emotions such as humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate or scorn are destructive to your life as they are below the level of 200.

The way to tell the vibrational frequency of a thought is to evaluate how you feel when you are thinking the thought.  In Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, they say that our emotions are like a gauge for the vibrational frequency of your thoughts.  One of my favorite things comes from their work; throughout their writing and DVDs they tell us to “choose better-feeling thoughts”2.  If a thought feels good it’s beneficial and if it feels bad it’s harmful.  It is just like any other skill it takes time to learn how to focus on positive things and not lack and limitations, so practice and you will get stronger.

Another one of my favorite speakers is Dr. Sue Morter; she is a chiropractor, has a healing center and conducts seminars all over the world.  I recommend attending her seminars, buying her DVDs or subscribing to her Monthly Message.  In her April 2012 Monthly Message audio recording, she said “What you think about is more important than what you eat and what you eat is huge”3.  If you go to the Morter Institute website you can see how much importance she places on nutrition and diet, so I believe this statement is meaningful.  She also uses an energy healing technique called BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) which I am sure is very good.

When I first started learning about the law of attraction I thought it was bad to think about or feel thoughts that were negative because I thought it would bring negative things.  But the problem is, just because you attempt to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, doesn’t make the negative ones disappear.  Those negative thoughts just stay below the surface until something causes them to reappear.  The first time I remember hearing someone say that you should go into your feelings and really let yourself feel them was from Dr. Sue Morter.  I went a seminar and had a treatment and she told me that I had a lot of anger and I should let myself feel it and I remember being surprised.  I am sure some else has made a similar statement, but I never really remember hearing it.  So, first feel, process and release the negative thoughts and then find positive ones to replace them.  (I just started an energy healing method called “The Release Technique” that helps you learn to release negative emotions, so stay tuned I will write about it when I am done.)

Another very important thing to mention on the topic is the expression of Gratitude.  In addition to the feeling of gratitude having a high vibrational frequency, when you feel grateful it also will bring more things for you be feel grateful.  I don’t think I have ever heard someone discuss these topics and not discuss the importance of gratitude.

Thinking empowering thoughts that are positive and have a high vibrational frequency and are in alignment with your goal is just one of the aspects of my healing strategy, I also do several other energy healing techniques, take supplements and listen to and read things that inspire me.  It is all helping me heal.

Love and Light,


1. Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002

2. Hicks, Esther and Jerry, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2004

3. Morter, Dr. Sue, April 2012 Monthly Message,, 2012

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The Power of your Thoughts and Energy Healing – Law of Attraction (Part 1)

If you read my first blog you will know that I believe a healing strategy should address the four issues related to Thoughts, Releasing stress, Body and Spirit.  In this series, I want to discuss how our thoughts affect illness and healing and specifically and how you can use your thoughts to help your body heal.  I absolutely believe that the reason that I am still alive and now healing has everything to do with my thoughts and what I have learned in the last five years.  I also know my thoughts are the reason that I got sick and why it took so long for me to heal.  Your thoughts not only form what comes into your life, the law of attraction, but they also create energy that is either beneficial or harmful.  I believe that changing what you think about is a method of energy healing because it can change the energy around you and inside you.  In this blog I want to discuss the first way that our thoughts influence our health, through the law of attraction.

I am sure most people in the world have heard of the concepts based on the Law of Attraction even if it they don’t know it by that name.  Sayings such as “like attracts like”, “change the way you think about thinks and the things you look at change” and “ask and it is given” demonstrate that the ideas behind this law have been around us our whole life.  The thoughts that you have when combined with emotion and focus, attract or bring the things you think about into your life.  The amount of emotion you put behind the thoughts give them power.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts
what he thinks, he becomes.”

— Mahatma Gandhi:was a political and spiritual leader of India 2

Someone might be thinking that they have achieved great success and have never heard of the Law of Attraction and that may be true.  Then ask them how they achieved their success and I will bet that identifying what they want, knowing with certainty that they will achieved it and focused attention will be among the things they list as reasons for their success.  These are all things that make the law work.  Of course, action is also required, but action alone won’t get you where you want to go.  It’s not about wishing, thinking positive unrealistic thoughts or repeating affirmations, although these do make funny movies, TV commercials and YouTube videos.  It is about creation through focused attention backed with emotion.

One of my favorite speakers on this topic is Dr. Joe Vitale who has many books and audio recordings among the ones that I recommend are “The Attractor Factor” and “The Abundance Paradigm”.  His books focus around attracting money, but the principles can be applied to health or anything else.  He found a book that was out of print called “At Your Command” by Neville Goddard and he reprinted it as an eBook.  I enjoyed reading the book and found many inspirational things in it.  One of my favorite quotes is:

To dissolve a problem that now

seems so real to you, all that you

do is remove your attention from it”1

I believe this statement is critically important, of course you can’t live in denial, but you shouldn’t focus your attention on having an “incurable” illness or on dying.  I keep hearing that people who are diagnosed with ALS are expected to live 3 to 5 years.  I am living proof that that isn’t necessarily true as I have lived well past that and I am now healing.  I have always tried to focus on finding things that would help my body heal, some helped and some didn’t, but I never gave up.  I did not have my attention on dying and I never believed I would die from ALS, but not having my attention on the physical limitations proved challenging and I am still improving in this area.  See My Favorites page for a list of resources on this topic.

Thinking empowering thoughts that are in alignment with your goal is just one of the aspects of my healing strategy, I also do several energy healing techniques, take supplements and listen to and read things that inspire me.  It is all helping me heal.


Love and Light,



1. Neville with Dr. Joe Vitale,  At Your Command, Newport News, Virginia, Morgan James Publishing, LLC.

2. Motivational Quote of the Day from Nightingale.

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Welcome to Energy Healing Strategies


My Name is Dawn and I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) many years ago and am now healing.  I want to share what I learned and how to develop your own energy healing strategy.

ALS is believed by most to be an incurable and most likely terminal disease.  I never accepted death as my fate; I knew somehow I would find a way to heal.  After years of research and trying many therapies, I learned how to develop a strategy of techniques and therapies that are helping my body heal.  I use many energy healing therapies, energy healing techniques and natural healing therapies.  While I am not completely healed, I am walking, moving and talking better than I have in years.  I am also building muscle and getting stronger.  I believe that it is possible that I will heal completely and I never gave up looking for a ways to help my body heal itself.

I have come to believe and have seen that true healing comes from a strategy that addresses the following issues:

  • Thoughts – Think thoughts that are in alignment with and support your goals;
  • Release – Learn to Release or Clear the stress and/or trauma that is contributing to your illness, including any blocks and limiting beliefs;
  • Body – Nourish your body to provide it the Vitality to heal with diet, supplements and energy healing;
  • Spirit – Nurture your spirit with reading and meditation.

Each issue can be addressed by using many different energy healing or alternative techniques and therapies.  There is no bright line between the issues or the techniques.  One technique can address several issues and addressing one issue can automatically impact another, but as long as all four issues are addressed you put your body in a better position to heal itself.


You may not think of your thoughts and emotions as energy healing, but your thoughts and emotions effect energy.  In Part 2 of my Power of your thought on healing series, I discuss the impact of thoughts on your health.  Negative thoughts have a detrimental effect on your physical health and positive thought have a beneficial effect on your health.  So, wouldn’t learning to change your thoughts and emotions from negative to positive be a method of energy healing?

Release Stress

Some believe 75% – 90% of illnesses are because of stress, or, at the least, stress contributed to the illness.  Many energy healing techniques and therapies work until the premise that once you clear the stress/trauma or energetic blocks, your body knows how to heal itself.  If I had to pick one component of my healing strategy that had the most impact to my healing it would be this one.


As I discussed above in the Releasing Stress, once you clear the stress and energetic blocks, your body knows how to repair itself, but only if it has the vitality it needs.  By vitality, I mean the energy and building blocks required for healing.  There are so many ways to increase your vitality, nutrition, supplements, water, energy healing therapies and tools, like low level lasers.  The more vitality you add to your body, the more healing and repair it can do.


If you’ve ever had a serious illness, then you will know how challenging it can sometimes be to keep a positive outlook especially when those around have lost hope.  It is so important to feel supported and loved, if you don’t have enough outside positive influences, then you need to develop it.  I have found reading and listening to inspirational material to both be inspiring and educational.  Meditation and prayer can also have a tremendous impact on your spirituality.

Every person’s strategy will be as different as they are.  My goal here is to share the information that I have gained over the years, the information that I wish I had when I first noticed that my body wasn’t functioning properly.  I hope you find the information that follows helpful in your healing journey.

I want to wish everyone health and love,


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