I have known that stress inhibits healing since early in my journey, but as we all know, eliminating stress is easier said than done. That is why the second step of my healing strategy is emotional energy healing and one of the reasons is to reduce stress to promote a healing state.
It wasn’t until after doing years of inner work, did I realize that I had been living in a constant state of stress for my whole life. When you have always been living in stress, it’s hard to see because it’s all you’ve known.
Stress Inhibits Healing
Anyone experiencing chronic illness knows that illness adds new levels of stress to your life. Then when we add job and relationship challenges affected by illness, staying in a healing state can be difficult.
I started following Dr. Bruce Lipton many years ago. In the Biology of Belief, he has an entire chapter of an organism’s growth and protection functions. The protection mode is triggered when we feel stressed or have a traumatic event, both can create a fight, flight and freeze response. When we are stressed in protection we are not in growth.
So, a cell or a human cannot be stressed and heal itself at the same time. If you are in a state of continual stress then not only are your cells not healing, but they aren’t maintaining themselves, eliminating waste, or duplicating. The cells, the tissue, and ultimately your body does not have the vitality it needs, it becomes weak, and disease thrives.
I do many things to minimize my stress level to promote a healing state. The first thing that I do is to maintain a positive mindset by working in a masters class, I also focus on what is going well and I am constantly learning and experimenting on different types of healing.
I also do emotional energy healing, meditation, and use healing tools.
Meditation and Stillness
One way to get out of stress is to go into stillness or other meditative states. This take your focus into your body or into your breathing and out of your mind with all the busy thoughts.
It takes practice to stay focused, so just go back in when you catch yourself in your thoughts. It also helps to feel love and joy. Once you get experienced, you can be in stillness while doing other things.
In the book Sensitivity Is Your Superpower, Dr. Karen Kan shares stillness puts you in auto-healing mode and suggested doing it for 10% of your waking hours.
“In my experience, a profound auto-healing state of being is produced when 9-10 percent of your waking time is connected to Stillness.”1
I have been doing different emotional work, clearing, releasing, and meditation to promote a healing state for many years. This work has been transformative. I am not the same person; I am happier and feel more peace and love than ever before.
Emotional Energy Healing
Another way to get out of stress is to learn an emotional energy healing technique which is very important because practicing one can heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions, and trauma to promote a healing state. Many techniques are simple to use, and you can learn from a book or audio program. They include, but are not limited to Release Technique, Healing Codes, Quantum Energy Transformation, or EFT aka Tapping.
AO Scan
The AO Scan has many functions and two of them help me with stress and emotions. The Inner Voice provides music with healing frequencies to clear emotional imbalances and the SEFI (Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter) has thousands of healing frequencies that can be broadcast or imprinted. Some of the frequencies that I use to promote a healing state are inner peace, love, health, strength and recovery and there are many other helpful frequencies. If you are interested in learning more, see my AO Scan page or contact me through the Contact page of this website.
Lifewave patches
I have been using Lifewave patches for over two years and there are some patches that I believe help with stress to promote a healing state. I started with the Y-Age Aeon patch which is clinically proven to reduce stress in the body and promote relaxation. It also decreases inflammation and increases antioxidant production in the body.
I also use the X39 patch that activates stem cells, increases energy, and promotes better sleep. I and others believe it also improves mood.
The patches are natural, reflect particular wavelengths of light and nothing goes into the body. They support all aspects of my healing. If you are interested in learning more, see my LifeWave page or contact me through the Contact page of this website.
I know it’s often challenging when living with chronic illness and we need as many tools as possible.
All the best,
1. Kan MD, Karen. Sensitivity Is Your Superpower: How to Harness Your Gifts, Fulfill Your Purpose, and Create a Life of Joy (p. 58). Kindle Edition.