The Power of your Thoughts and Energy Healing – Law of Attraction (Part 1)

If you read my first blog you will know that I believe a healing strategy should address the four issues related to Thoughts, Releasing stress, Body and Spirit.  In this series, I want to discuss how our thoughts affect illness and healing and specifically and how you can use your thoughts to help your body heal.  I absolutely believe that the reason that I am still alive and now healing has everything to do with my thoughts and what I have learned in the last five years.  I also know my thoughts are the reason that I got sick and why it took so long for me to heal.  Your thoughts not only form what comes into your life, the law of attraction, but they also create energy that is either beneficial or harmful.  I believe that changing what you think about is a method of energy healing because it can change the energy around you and inside you.  In this blog I want to discuss the first way that our thoughts influence our health, through the law of attraction.

I am sure most people in the world have heard of the concepts based on the Law of Attraction even if it they don’t know it by that name.  Sayings such as “like attracts like”, “change the way you think about thinks and the things you look at change” and “ask and it is given” demonstrate that the ideas behind this law have been around us our whole life.  The thoughts that you have when combined with emotion and focus, attract or bring the things you think about into your life.  The amount of emotion you put behind the thoughts give them power.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts
what he thinks, he becomes.”

— Mahatma Gandhi:was a political and spiritual leader of India 2

Someone might be thinking that they have achieved great success and have never heard of the Law of Attraction and that may be true.  Then ask them how they achieved their success and I will bet that identifying what they want, knowing with certainty that they will achieved it and focused attention will be among the things they list as reasons for their success.  These are all things that make the law work.  Of course, action is also required, but action alone won’t get you where you want to go.  It’s not about wishing, thinking positive unrealistic thoughts or repeating affirmations, although these do make funny movies, TV commercials and YouTube videos.  It is about creation through focused attention backed with emotion.

One of my favorite speakers on this topic is Dr. Joe Vitale who has many books and audio recordings among the ones that I recommend are “The Attractor Factor” and “The Abundance Paradigm”.  His books focus around attracting money, but the principles can be applied to health or anything else.  He found a book that was out of print called “At Your Command” by Neville Goddard and he reprinted it as an eBook.  I enjoyed reading the book and found many inspirational things in it.  One of my favorite quotes is:

To dissolve a problem that now

seems so real to you, all that you

do is remove your attention from it”1

I believe this statement is critically important, of course you can’t live in denial, but you shouldn’t focus your attention on having an “incurable” illness or on dying.  I keep hearing that people who are diagnosed with ALS are expected to live 3 to 5 years.  I am living proof that that isn’t necessarily true as I have lived well past that and I am now healing.  I have always tried to focus on finding things that would help my body heal, some helped and some didn’t, but I never gave up.  I did not have my attention on dying and I never believed I would die from ALS, but not having my attention on the physical limitations proved challenging and I am still improving in this area.  See My Favorites page for a list of resources on this topic.

Thinking empowering thoughts that are in alignment with your goal is just one of the aspects of my healing strategy, I also do several energy healing techniques, take supplements and listen to and read things that inspire me.  It is all helping me heal.


Love and Light,



1. Neville with Dr. Joe Vitale,  At Your Command, Newport News, Virginia, Morgan James Publishing, LLC.

2. Motivational Quote of the Day from Nightingale.

Photo from


Welcome to Energy Healing Strategies


My Name is Dawn and I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) many years ago and am now healing.  I want to share what I learned and how to develop your own energy healing strategy.

ALS is believed by most to be an incurable and most likely terminal disease.  I never accepted death as my fate; I knew somehow I would find a way to heal.  After years of research and trying many therapies, I learned how to develop a strategy of techniques and therapies that are helping my body heal.  I use many energy healing therapies, energy healing techniques and natural healing therapies.  While I am not completely healed, I am walking, moving and talking better than I have in years.  I am also building muscle and getting stronger.  I believe that it is possible that I will heal completely and I never gave up looking for a ways to help my body heal itself.

I have come to believe and have seen that true healing comes from a strategy that addresses the following issues:

  • Thoughts – Think thoughts that are in alignment with and support your goals;
  • Release – Learn to Release or Clear the stress and/or trauma that is contributing to your illness, including any blocks and limiting beliefs;
  • Body – Nourish your body to provide it the Vitality to heal with diet, supplements and energy healing;
  • Spirit – Nurture your spirit with reading and meditation.

Each issue can be addressed by using many different energy healing or alternative techniques and therapies.  There is no bright line between the issues or the techniques.  One technique can address several issues and addressing one issue can automatically impact another, but as long as all four issues are addressed you put your body in a better position to heal itself.


You may not think of your thoughts and emotions as energy healing, but your thoughts and emotions effect energy.  In Part 2 of my Power of your thought on healing series, I discuss the impact of thoughts on your health.  Negative thoughts have a detrimental effect on your physical health and positive thought have a beneficial effect on your health.  So, wouldn’t learning to change your thoughts and emotions from negative to positive be a method of energy healing?

Release Stress

Some believe 75% – 90% of illnesses are because of stress, or, at the least, stress contributed to the illness.  Many energy healing techniques and therapies work until the premise that once you clear the stress/trauma or energetic blocks, your body knows how to heal itself.  If I had to pick one component of my healing strategy that had the most impact to my healing it would be this one.


As I discussed above in the Releasing Stress, once you clear the stress and energetic blocks, your body knows how to repair itself, but only if it has the vitality it needs.  By vitality, I mean the energy and building blocks required for healing.  There are so many ways to increase your vitality, nutrition, supplements, water, energy healing therapies and tools, like low level lasers.  The more vitality you add to your body, the more healing and repair it can do.


If you’ve ever had a serious illness, then you will know how challenging it can sometimes be to keep a positive outlook especially when those around have lost hope.  It is so important to feel supported and loved, if you don’t have enough outside positive influences, then you need to develop it.  I have found reading and listening to inspirational material to both be inspiring and educational.  Meditation and prayer can also have a tremendous impact on your spirituality.

Every person’s strategy will be as different as they are.  My goal here is to share the information that I have gained over the years, the information that I wish I had when I first noticed that my body wasn’t functioning properly.  I hope you find the information that follows helpful in your healing journey.

I want to wish everyone health and love,


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