Energy Healing: The Power of Quantum Touch

hand-heartIn my quest for physical healing, I have tried many energy healing therapies and techniques.  I went so far as to enroll in practitioner training for several them, but Quantum Touch is the cornerstone of my energy healing strategy.  The basic techniques are very easy to learn, but it is so powerful that there are an infinite number of applications you can learn and create.

I heard about Quantum Touch like I heard about most everything else, a teleseminar.  I bought the first book Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal by Richard Gordon 1 and learned the breathing, the basic technique and how to do self-healing.  Even just doing breathing and focused attention on love raises your vibrational frequency.  As I discussed in (The Frequency of Thoughts), having a frequency as high as Love is very constructive.  That alone makes learning this energy healing technique invaluable.

How to Learn Quantum Touch

To take the next step, you can take the Quantum Touch Level 1 course either online or a 2-day live training.  The online course is great if you want to use this energy healing technique on friends and family, but not if you want to be a practitioner.  The Level 1 course teaches the breathing and focused intention techniques and is for hands-on method, although it can be used for distance healing.  Richard Gordon later created QT 2.0 with which the healing energy is sent to where it is needed.  Because you don’t need to touch the area, the healing energy can be sent anywhere in space and time.  If you are able to use your hands and send the healing, the benefits may be enhanced.  This energy healing method is easier to use, more powerful and allows for more possibilities for applications.  It is best, and I believed required to take the level 1 course before level 2.0.  The level 2.0 technique is the subject of Richard’s second book Quantum Touch: The New Human.  There are also other courses to support the energy healing work like Seeing & Perceiving and Self-Creative Health which is for resolving emotional issues.  It is believed by Richard, and many of the energy healing population, that if a physical issue is chronic or returns, there is an emotional cause.

The Benefits of Quantum Touch

Quantum Touch can be used for, but is not limited to, the following purposes:energy light hand

  • Pain Relief
  • Relief from tingling or numbness
  • Reducing muscle tightness and stiffness
  • Increase recovery from exercise
  • Structural alignment of bones
  • Clearing trapped emotional energy
  • Aid in meditation
  • Aid in manifesting
  • Raise vibrational frequency

Quantum Touch works through focused intention on the location in the body and healing goal.  It is believed that the body’s intelligence will send the energy where it is needed.  So, even if your knowledge of anatomy isn’t that good or you send energy to the wrong place, the healing energy will go    where it is needed.   Quantum Touch is very easy to learn and can be used by someone with no energy healing experience.  It is also so powerful that and experienced practitioner can used it and can even be combined with other energy healing therapies.  Because of the flexibility of QT 2.0, there are an infinite number of applications you can learn and create.  If you want to learn more go to    or buy the books at

  1. Gordon, Richard, Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2006, Print.
  2. Gordon, Richard, Quantum Touch: The New Human, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2013, Print.

The Release Technique: Why it Works so Well

nature waterMany people have used and are healing themselves using some type of Clearing/Releasing energy work.  I have used many of these techniques, including The Healing Codes, Theta Healing, Quantum Energy Transformation, Spontaneous Transformation Technique and The Release Technique 1.  The one that I recommend to someone new to this type of work is The Release Technique.  The reason I like it so much is it clears past emotions; it trains you how to deal with thoughts and emotions as they come up and how to treat yourself in a loving way.

The Release Technique and Stress

We have all heard that stress is not good for you and a cause of illness and disease.  The Release Technique helps you to avoid the stress response or reverse it.  When you are in a stress response, your body releases chemicals and stops certain important bodily and cellular functions.  If this happens often or is not reversed, damage occurs, your body is weakened and disease thrives.  Stress isn’t what happens outside you, it is your response to what happened.  Your patterns, memories and traumatic events determine your response.  The Release Technique takes you through questions and exercises and you learn to release those emotions.  So when something happens that reminds you of a stressful emotion, the emotion has been released, so no stress response occurs.

skipping stone

The Release Technique and Your Thoughts

The Release Technique brings in the idea of The Law of Attraction.  It reminds us that when we “Want” something, it means that we are lacking that thing.  When we send the message of want or lack, we will attract more lack of that thing.  The Release Technique focuses on releasing or letting go of want or lack.  It groups all “wants” into one of three categories, want of Approval, Control or Security.  So, when something comes up that stirs up emotion, you release until you no longer want it.

One of the keystones to The Release Technique is the six steps.  The first step is “You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.” 1 Imperturbable is unable to be upset or excited, calm.  This is brilliant because it takes the want or lack away from your goal.  So, you release on all things that upset or excite you thereby changing the emotions and thoughts.  Lester Levenson, who developed The Release Technique, released all his non-loving thoughts and healed himself from terminal illness.  His focus was not on wanting to be healed, but once he released the non-loving feelings, all areas of his life healed.

The Release Technique teaches us to stop trying to figure out how to fix whatever it is you want to fix.  This is important for two reasons, the first is you have probably already tried many times to “figure it out” and haven’t, so it pointless to continue if it is not working.  The second reason when you are figuring it out, you are focusing on what you want to correct, what you don’t want.

dropThe Release Technique and You

This is perhaps my favorite part.  The Release Technique teaches us to stop beating ourselves up and disapproving ourselves.  Many of us are very hard on ourselves; we criticize our bodies, decisions and our actions.  This just makes you feel badly and fills you with negativity.  After you stop disapproving of yourself, you learn to send yourself love and approval.

The last benefit is The Release Techniques reminds us that approval and love are inside us and we can have them whenever we desire them.  One of the exercizes is to send yourself love and approval as you fall asleep every night.


The Release Technique works in three significant ways.  It helps you clear old emotions by releasing the “wants” that are stirred up.  It teaches you how to release things as they come up so you don’t feel stressed.  The Release Technique also teaches you how to treat yourself in a kind and loving manner.  All of things not only release the stress but helps you be happier and more peaceful.  Click Here to learn more.

  1. The Release Technique –  The Abundance Course is the first course to learn the method; they also have a weekly call and free support to help you.  Click Here

The Photos are from

Energy Healing: What is it?

energy light handI would bet that many people don’t know what “Energy Healing” is and how it works.  Energy Healing is anything that adds energy or changes its characteristics.  It is also anything that removes blocks to change the flow of energy.  All of these things encourage healing.  There are different types of energy healing, some of them are, hands on or distance healing, clearing/releasing healing and vibrational healing techniques.

One of the most important concepts in energy healing is the idea that everything is energy and has a vibrational frequency (frequency) and resonates at a certain frequency.  Things that have a high frequency are healing and things that have a low frequency are destructive.  This is supported by the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins in his creation of the Map of Consciousness which is documented in his book Power vs. Force.  Another very important concept is entrainment.  When two energy bodies are in contact or energetically connected, their frequency will entrain to be the same.  Many types of energy healing work because of resonance and entrainment.

Hands On and Distance Energy Healing

I am very familiar with Quantum Touch, so I’ll use that as an example.  The practitioner use meditation to hold a high frequency, then through resonance and entrainment the client’s frequency raises.  Since their body is now a higher frequency so they heal.  I am sure there are dozens of techniques that do hands on or distance energy healing.  I would imagine they are similar in many ways.  The source of the energy is the Universe, God or The Divine; the energy goes through a practitioner in meditation or prayer and is transferred to the person who is healing.  This type of energy healing does many things, it adds energy to a body, it changes the characteristics or frequency of the energy and can clear energetic blocks.

ocean foamClearing or Releasing Energy Healing

There are many energy healing techniques to release/clear stress, trauma, blocks and limiting beliefs.  These energy healing techniques work because once you clear the energy around an event or trauma, the stress response is no longer triggered.  As we have heard, stress is damaging to the body because it stops the normal maintenance and repair.  According to what I have seen, read, heard and experienced, many people have healed using this type of energy healing.  They include, but are not limited to The Healing Codes, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka Tapping, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch’s Self-Created Health and The Release Technique.

Vibrational Healing Therapies

I hear healers and transformational leaders say more and more that increasing your frequency is one of the most important things a person can do in transformation and healing.  There are many factors that influence your personal frequency, your thoughts and environment have significant influence.  There are also many other energy healing tools, such as music, diet, breath work and meditation.  When you listen to or use products that vibrate at a higher frequency than your body, your body will entrain up to that higher frequency.  The issue is then to maintain it, just as your body will entrain up it can also entrain down when you are around negative people, thinking low vibration thoughts or are in an artificial environment.

Since everything is energy and things that have a high frequency are healing and things that have a low frequency are destructive, energy healing can be very powerful.  I recommend using a combination of hands on, releasing and vibrational energy healing techniques in your healing strategy to provide maximum benefit.

  1. Photos are from

My Healing Journey through ALS and Back Again

sunflowersOn the Today Show, recently, I saw a story about a woman who had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).  The story was about how the woman was living the last year or two of her life with her friends and family.  This story hit home because I was diagnosed with ALS years ago and it hard to see her so weak.

When I was diagnosed with ALS, I was told that the disease was incurable and terminal.  I did not focus on or believe that I was going to die.   I went to the health food store for vitamins and continued with natural therapies like chiropractic and acupuncture.  I was introduced to energy healing and the idea that our thoughts have power.  I continued working part-time, working out, cooking and riding my horse.  At the beginning, the disease progression was very slow.  I attribute this to many things, I always believed that I would find a way to heal, I surrounded myself with alternative practitioners who supported my beliefs, I continued to do things I enjoyed with people I loved.  I continue to believe that my horse, DJ, is a huge part of why I am still alive because being with him made me so happy and brought me close to nature and the earth.  See my posts on the healing power of love and pH, electrons and Earthing.  As I discuss in pH, Electrons and Earthing, electrons flow from a high voltage system to a low voltage system.  The earth is a very high voltage system, so being in contact with the earth and nature gives your body the energy to heal.  Think about a 100 lb. person in poor health on a 900 lb. healthy animal who spends all day and night in contact with the earth.  It’s my belief that riding him  and being with him at the ranch was beneficial to my health on many levels.

It was after a period of a marital problems, pending divorce and financial worries, that my symptoms got much worse.  I got weaker and weaker, lost muscle and my speech got more garbled. I was trying so hard to do everything I learned about with the   Law of Attraction, but I made it worse because my focus was on fixing myself.  I did better when I kept busy doing the things I enjoyed and didn’t focus on the disease, physical limitations and what needed to be fixed.  At the lowest point, I lost so much muscle you could see all three sides of the top of my shoulder; it was difficult to understand me when I spoke and I could only take small steps.  I really should have used a walker because I fell often.  I fell in the office and my employer, at that time, told me they needed a note from a neurologist specializing in ALS stating that I was able to continue to work.  That doctor told me I should be using a scouter, a tool that spoke for me and a lift seat to help me stand.  I decided to leave my job as Tax Manager, CPA because of the stress.  It wasn’t the job or tax deadlines that was problematic; it was the stress from being self-conscious about how I looked and sounded, the fear of falling and the frustration towards my body that was the chronic stress.  See my post of Cause of Illness.

sunflowerI decided to learn everything I needed to so I could heal, especially energy healing. Energy healing  I was absolutely determined and knew I would succeed, somehow.  I was considered to be a stubborn child, they made that sound like that was a bad thing, it’s not.  I tried so many things that reportedly healed others miraculously, but didn’t instantly heal me or helped only slightly.  I kept trying new energy healing and natural techniques and became a teleseminar junkie.  I discovered what techniques worked for me and developed an energy healing strategy that is working.  Everything in my healing strategy has the goal of eliminating stress, increasing the vibrational frequency in my body and increasing the energy or voltage in the cells.  See my post on How to Heal from Illness; I use many things like Quantum Touch, earthing or grounding, meditation to name the big ones.  Now, my body is healing, I am stronger, more balanced and am building muscle.  People can now understand me when I speak.  I am still rebuilding my body but I am making progress every day.

Not only is my body healing, but I have made tremendous emotional and spiritual growth.  I am not the same person I was before I noticed symptoms.  I was very unhappy, held emotions inside and buried them.  Even before my body weakened, I was very unkind to myself and unforgiving.  I learned many important things, two   things came from The Release Technique, the first was emotions come up when they want to leave, so let them go.  The second thing is to stop beating yourself, talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend.  If you met me now and looked into my eyes, you would see someone full of life and love.  You would not see someone with ALS, an “incurable” “terminal” illness, that’s not who I am.

Dawn mcCrea

photos from

Energy Healing: The Healing Power of Love

heart in sandThere are many aspects of love that affect illness and healing.  Obviously, love isn’t a form of energy healing, but I think it’s so important to understand how love affects health.

In his book Love, Medicine and Miracles, Bernie Siegel explains the impact of love of the immune system and healing.

“I feel that all disease is ultimately related to a lack of love, or to love that is only conditional, for the exhaustion and depression of the immune system thus created leads to physical vulnerability.”1

“I am convinced that unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system.  If I told patients to raise their blood levels of globulins or killer T cells, no one would know how.  But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically.  The truth is: love heals.”1

It has taken many years, but the most important thing I have learned on my healing journey, is how to love myself.  In the Release Technique we learn that Love is inside of us, we have the power to feel and be loved any time we want.

If you study energy healing you will see and hear people talking about The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, it is an interesting an enlightening book.  Here he discusses the importance of joy and love.

hand-heart“It is also important to note to fully experience your vitality it takes more than just getting rid of life’s stressors.  In a growth-protection continuum, eliminating the stressors only puts you at the neutral point in the range.  To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulates growth processes.”2

This quote sums up two import steps in my energy healing strategy, first you must clear or release those things in you that cause you to feel stress and then you can feel those high frequency emotions like love and joy.

As I discussed in my (thoughts frequency) post, David R. Hawkins, M.D. mapped the levels on consciousness. “All levels below 200, it is destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.”3 Since love has the level of consciousness of 500, it would be very constructive, especially when you consider this is a logarithmic scale.

heart in sky“Love is a state of being.  It is a way of relating to the world which is forgiving, nurturing and supportive.”3

In my opinion, relieving stress and learning to feel loved are critical steps in healing and an energy healing strategy. Many look for joy, happiness and love out there somewhere, but it starts within you.  You need to be able to love yourself even when your body is not yet healed, have no money or are alone, that’s the true test.


  1. Siegel, Bernie, M.D., Love, Medicine & Miracles: Lessons Learned About Self-Healing from a Surgeon’s Experience with Exceptional Patients, New York, NY, HarperCollins, 2002, Print.
  2. Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.
  3. Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002, Print.
  4. Photos are from


Energy Healing: How to Heal Your Body from Illness

sun_5I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which believed by most to be incurable and most likely terminal.  After years of research and trying many therapies, I learned how to develop a strategy of techniques and therapies that are helping my body heal.  I use many energy healing techniques and natural healing therapies.  While I am not completely healed, I am walking, moving and talking better than I have in years.  I am also building muscle and getting stronger.

If I had to attribute my success to one thing it would be that I never gave up and always believed that I would find a way to heal.  Everything I am doing in my energy healing strategy has the goal of eliminating stress, increasing the vibrational frequency in my body and increasing the energy or voltage in the cells.


Clear or Release Sources of Stress

I have learned so much over the past five years and if I could go back, knowing what I know now, the first thing I would do would be to reduce the internal and external stress in my life.  In the Causes of Illness post I discussed the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and the effect of stress on your body and health.

For purposes of clearing and releasing, I am referring to emotional or internal stress.  You want to remove the emotional charge on events and memories to eliminate your stress response to external events.  I would also recommend clearing/releasing any thoughts and beliefs that block your ability to accept and love yourself the way you are.  I have used and discussed in my “Releasing Stress” posts the following energy healing techniques, The Healing Codes, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka Tapping, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch’s Self-Created Health and The Release Technique.    Releasing 1, Releasing 2, Releasing 3, Releasing 4

I now use the techniques I learned from Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance Program when I want to clear any blocks or limiting beliefs.  Also, I am using certain tools such as music, meditations and breathing techniques that also clear density.

music_notes_backgroundIncrease Vibrational Frequency

As I discussed in my Thoughts Frequency and Vibrational Therapies posts, there are many factors that impact our vibrational frequency.  Since I spent so much time clearing and releasing work, it is now easier for me to hold higher frequency thoughts.  I am trained in Quantum Touch work on myself and others which increases my frequency.  I also listen to music with Solfeggio frequencies and audio meditations.  My favorite tools/products are:

energyIncreasing Energy and/or Voltage

I use Quantum Touch in many ways, but there are many other techniques that people use.  See post on Hands on Healing.

As I discussed in the pH and Electron post, maintaining a pH in the healthy range, gives your cells the building blocks for repair and healing.  The best things to do to maintain the proper pH is to walk barefoot on the earth, drink water from a moving body of water and eat food grown from earth in its natural state.  The earth, plants and water from a stream contains electrons and when you touch, eat or drink these things they give you the electrons that you may be missing.  In our modern life, it isn’t always possible to be in nature and eat the right foods, but here are things that you can do to give your body healing energy.

  • VibesUp products – these products are designed from things found in nature to provide you the benefits of being in nature.  I have been using these products for years and I love them.
  • Ewater products – These purifiers and additives make water to be more alkaline and alive. I have used many of their products and supplements for many years and they are great.
  • Orgone Generator Pyramid – I just discovered the Healthy World Store and they have great products and supplements.  I have had the small pyramid and I love it, I carry it around everywhere.  It does many things; one of them is donating electrons.
  • Earthing Summit – I just listened to this teleseminar that was very informative.  The Earthing products ground you so when you can’t get outside they provide the benefits of being on the earth even when you are working or at night.
  • Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Book by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra and Martin Zucker.  You can buy at the website above or Amazon.

I have tried many techniques that reportedly healed other people, but helped me only slightly or not at all. I have noticed a significant improvement in my body since I started using my energy healing strategy with the tools and techniques described in this article.  It has been a learning process, so I may not be using some techniques anymore, but that doesn’t mean they were not beneficial at the time.  I believe a healing strategy should address all aspects of you, physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic.

  1. Christie Marie Sheldon, and
  2. Photos are from


Energy Healing: Vibrational Healing Therapies

music_notes_backgroundI hear healers and transformational leaders say more and more that increasing your vibrational frequency is one of the most important things a person can do in transformation and healing.  I am starting to see and feel in my personal healing that raising my frequency is more, or at least, as important as clearing negativity.  Your thoughts are very important in changing your personal vibration, but it’s only one factor.  I also use energy healing and other tools, such as music, diet, breath work and meditation.  See My Favorites tab for other tools and sources of information on how to increase your vibrational frequency.

As I discussed in What Energy Healing Is post, everything is energy and has a vibrational frequency.  It is important to know that things with a high vibrational frequency are healing and those with a low vibrational frequency are destructive.  Thoughts P vs F  Another very important concept is entrainment, when two energy bodies are in contact or connected in some way, their vibrational frequency will entrain to be the same.  This is true for two people, a person and the earth or a person and food or water.  Many types of energy healing work because of resonance and entrainment.  So, when you listen to or use products that vibrate at a higher frequency than your body, your body will entrain up to that higher frequency.  The issue is then to continue it, surround yourself with people and things to keep it high.

Some experts feel that you must clear the denser low vibration thoughts and emotions before you can hold a high vibration, others believe when you hold a high vibration, the negative thoughts and emotions dissolve.  I don’t think it matters which approach you take and in fact many of the tools I use do both at the same time.

Here are some of the tools I use and found helpful:

  • As I mentioned in How to Work with Energy, I love the programs from Christie Marie Sheldon.  I have used two of her energy healing products the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit and Unlimited Abundance Program and enjoyed and learned from both of them.1  In the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit, she gives you many useful tools.
  • I use tools from Mashhur Anam from Life Harmonized2,  Panache Desai and Meg Benedicte.  Almost all of their tools do both clear density and raise vibration.
  • Dr. Alex Lyod, author and creator of The Healing Code, just released a new product called The Immune System Miracle Key.  It is a collection of audios and videos that contain very powerful words and music.3  In the workbook that is part of the product, Alex Loyd explain why he used the frequency he uses in the product of 528 Hz, the frequency of Love and DNA repair.  The workbook also includes the Solfeggio scale which shows the frequencies and there definitions and as you will see the more positive the thought the higher the frequency.  If you want more information on the Solfeggio scale do an internet search, I found a site that was easy to read and I include it below.4
  • There is an online store called VibesUp with products created by Kaitlyn Keyt.  They have these amazing mats that are made of live extracts of flowers, plant, trees and grounding gems and are designed to raise the frequency of anything in contact with them.  They also give you a grounding as if you were standing barefoot on the earth.  They also have jewelry and personal care products like soaps and deodorant.

Vibrational therapies can be added to all aspects of your life, most are easy to use and won’t interfere with most medical treatments.  I find that as with other energy healing therapies make you feel happy and at peace.

  1. Christie Marie Sheldon, and
  2. Life Harmonized
  6. Photos are from

Energy Healing: How to Work with Energy

universe1I didn’t know a thing about energy healing when I began my healing journey.  I was familiar with chiropractic and acupuncture, but energy healing was all new.  I started working with different intuitive energy healers but I thought working with energy was difficult and required some magical skill that only some people had.  I have since learned that it is a skill that can be learned, although some are more gifted than others.

When I began my search for the “cure” to the illness which I had been diagnosed, I tried many alternative and energy healing techniques, but I didn’t understand how they worked.  I did not know how to see, feel or work with energy.  As this field is growing and expanding more information is being shared.  There have always been people willing to teach healers how to work with energy, but not simple things that people could use in their daily lives.

Energy can be moved or transformed simply through your desire or intention for it to do so.  You can visualize clearing or transmuting negative or low vibration energy, either within you or around you.  You can also visualize a tool to move the energy, the tool can be anything like a divine light, vacuum or tornado.  You can also clear energy within you such as anger or sorrow, simply by letting go of it or asking it to leave.  Also, see my posts on releasing stress.  Healing Codes, EFT and Theta, The Release Technique

My favorite intuitive healer / teacher is Christie Marie Sheldon.  I have used two of her energy healing products the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit and Unlimited Abundance Program and enjoyed and learned from both of them.1  In the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit, I learned more about the importance of your thoughts and feelings and how they affect your vibrational frequency, how to open up your intuition and how to clear energy in your body and environment.  This program is great for people just learning about energy work.  I am just about done with the Unlimited Abundance Program and it has taught me an easy and effective method for clearing limiting emotional blocks and beliefs.  It has over 24 hours of audio which helped me clear many blocks to abundance.  The program is not only for financial abundance, but for any type of abundance money, relationship and health.

My other favorite intuitive healer is Mashhur Anam from Life Harmonized who creates energy healing tools and once you download the tools, you can use them every day to do many different things. 2  I have many tools such as Rings of Harmony, Restore Inner Harmony, and Love is Power.  They all do different things but they cleanse and harmonize your energy system which helps you raise your personal vibrational frequency. Go to the website to learn about the tools, I love them.  Mashhur is not mainstream and may not appeal to energy beginners.

Since everything is energy, including us and our thoughts, we can affect the energy in and around us.  Developing these skills is a matter of learning to be aware and practice.  If you are not one of those people who are born with the intuitive or physic skills, you can learn to develop them.  I am taking a Seeing and Perceiving webinar through Quantum Touch. 3  Also, you can do meditations and exercises to develop the skill.  The Love or Above program I discussed above has some tools to develop intuition. 1  Working with energy is fun and with practice can be learned including energy healing.  Quantum Touch is an energy healing technique that you can learn for you, family and friends.

  1. Christie Marie Sheldon, and
  2. Life Harmonized
  3. Quantum Touch
  4. Photos are from


What Energy Healing is and How it Works

energyI would bet that many people don’t know what “Energy Healing” is and how it works.  My education in energy healing began after being diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).  I had been seeing chiropractors and other alternative healing practitioners for many years, so I was pretty open to energy healing.  The doctors had no treatments that would heal me, as ALS is deemed by traditional medicine to be incurable.  However, I never accepted that the condition was “incurable” and I knew that I would find a way to heal.  Over many years I tried many therapies, techniques and schools of thought.

I did a Google search for energy healing and energy medicine and I got all sorts of descriptions, most talked about one person sending healing energy to another either hands on or at a distance.  I define Energy Healing more broadly; it is anything that adds energy, changes its characteristics or removes blocks to change the flow of energy which encourages healing.

One of the most important concepts in energy healing is the idea that everything is energy and has a vibrational frequency or resonates at a certain frequency.  Things that have a high vibrational frequency are healing and things that have a low frequency are destructive.  I discussed this in more detail in an earlier post.  Thoughts P vs F

Another very important concept is entrainment.  “Entrainment is the process whereby two connected oscillating systems, having similar periods, fall into synchrony.”1

Two examples of this are when women live in the same house and their menstrual cycles align or when the pendulums on clocks in the same room entrain to move in unison.  So, when two energy bodies are in contact, their vibrational frequency will entrain to be the same.  This is true for two people, a person and the earth or a person and food or water.  Many types of energy healing work because of resonance and entrainment.

sparkle_of_laserSo, Energy Healing includes techniques that add healing energy, change the characteristic of energy or remove energetic blocks.   I believe that energy healing techniques work under the premise that our bodies know how to heal themselves once they have the resources available.  The techniques include hands on or distance healing, clearing or releasing negative feelings/emotions, alternative therapies and tools and even some supplements.  My healing strategiy includes many different technique and my body is healing and I am getting stronger.  I will be discussing each of these in more detail.

  2. Photos are from


Energy Healing Techniques to Release Stress – The Release Technique

As I discussed in the Causes of Illness post, stress is a significant cause of illness.  I have used many energy healing therapies and tools to clear stress and trauma, including The Healing Codes, EFT, Theta Healing, META-Medicine and The Release Technique 1.  Knowing what I know now, I would have started with The Release Technique.  The reason I like it so much is it clears stress and trauma and it trains you to change the energy of your thoughts which increases your personal vibrational frequency.  When you are done with a releasing session, you feel lighter and more at peace like you have just meditated for a half hour.  It combines the benefits of three of the four components of a healing strategy, Thoughts, Release and Spirit.

I have been doing the energy healing to clear/release negativite emotions for years and I have noticed improvement both physically and emotionally.  Even though I continue to believe that I will heal completely and strive to maintain a positive attitude, because of the perceived reality of my physical limitations, I sometimes would feel frustrated, sad and lonely.  So, I was clearing old emotions but I was adding new ones of lack and limitation as I was beating myself up and disapproving of myself.  The Release Technique not only helps you release old negative emotions by doing exercises, but it also teaches you how to immediately release emotions as they come up.  It teaches us that approval, love, control, safety and security comes from within.  Depending on how much “stuff” you have it can be a time consuming process.  Apparently, I did not learn how to release negative emotions I just buried them and kept myself so busy I didn’t hear my emotional pain.  At the time of writing this, I have finished four courses and released daily.    Emotionally I am so much lighter and happier than I have ever been in my life, but I still have more to release.  I now have the training and skill to know how to release so I will continue to do it.  It is not a quick fix, but I learned things I had not heard anywhere else.  The courses have workbooks with lots of different exercises depending on the course subject.  There are also telecourses and week long live courses.

It brings in the idea of  The Law of Attraction when we realize that when we “Want” something, it means that we are lacking that thing.  When we send that want/lack message we will attract more lack of that thing and that has a lower vibrational frequency.  The Release Technique focuses on letting go of emotions attached to the lower vibration feelings and want or lack.  We learned that real “Releasing” happens when you are in higher vibration feelings, so it trains you to stay in those high vibration feelings.  The things that make your thoughts more or less powerful are the emotions behind them.  So, removing emotions for lower vibration thoughts and adding emotions to higher vibrations thoughts is a win win.

One of the keystones to the Release Technique, is the six steps.  The first step is “You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.” 1  Imperturbable is unable to be upset or excited, calm.  This is brilliant because it takes the want or lack away from your goal.  So, you release on all things that upset or excite you thereby changing the emotions, thoughts and vibration.  Lester Levenson, who developed the method, released all his non-loving thoughts and healed himself from terminal illness.  His focus was not on wanting to be healed, but once he released the non-loving feelings, all areas of his life healed.

As I said earlier, the Release Technique works on three of the four components of a healing strategy, thoughts, releasing and spirit.  There are people who believe that increasing your vibrational frequency is one of the most important things in transformation and healing and the Release Technique helps dramatically.  Your thoughts are very important in changing your personal vibration, but it’s only one factor.  I also use other energy healing tools, music and meditations to increasing my frequency and I am starting to believe that raising your frequency is more, or at least, as important as clearing.  When you have a high vibration, I believe negative feelings and emotions dissolve.  See My Favorites tab for other tools to increase your frequency.


  1. The Release Technique  The Abundance Course is the first course to learn the method; they also have a weekly call and free support to help you.

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