What Energy Healing is and How it Works

energyI would bet that many people don’t know what “Energy Healing” is and how it works.  My education in energy healing began after being diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).  I had been seeing chiropractors and other alternative healing practitioners for many years, so I was pretty open to energy healing.  The doctors had no treatments that would heal me, as ALS is deemed by traditional medicine to be incurable.  However, I never accepted that the condition was “incurable” and I knew that I would find a way to heal.  Over many years I tried many therapies, techniques and schools of thought.

I did a Google search for energy healing and energy medicine and I got all sorts of descriptions, most talked about one person sending healing energy to another either hands on or at a distance.  I define Energy Healing more broadly; it is anything that adds energy, changes its characteristics or removes blocks to change the flow of energy which encourages healing.

One of the most important concepts in energy healing is the idea that everything is energy and has a vibrational frequency or resonates at a certain frequency.  Things that have a high vibrational frequency are healing and things that have a low frequency are destructive.  I discussed this in more detail in an earlier post.  Thoughts P vs F

Another very important concept is entrainment.  “Entrainment is the process whereby two connected oscillating systems, having similar periods, fall into synchrony.”1

Two examples of this are when women live in the same house and their menstrual cycles align or when the pendulums on clocks in the same room entrain to move in unison.  So, when two energy bodies are in contact, their vibrational frequency will entrain to be the same.  This is true for two people, a person and the earth or a person and food or water.  Many types of energy healing work because of resonance and entrainment.

sparkle_of_laserSo, Energy Healing includes techniques that add healing energy, change the characteristic of energy or remove energetic blocks.   I believe that energy healing techniques work under the premise that our bodies know how to heal themselves once they have the resources available.  The techniques include hands on or distance healing, clearing or releasing negative feelings/emotions, alternative therapies and tools and even some supplements.  My healing strategiy includes many different technique and my body is healing and I am getting stronger.  I will be discussing each of these in more detail.

  1. www.wordiq.com
  2. Photos are from www.freedigitalphotos.com