The Steps to Cultivating a Healing Mindset: Steps 3, 4 and 5

In order to heal, you must have a Healing Mindset, you must Know you can Heal, Be Positive, Take Action, Accept and Trust.  We all know that we should focus on the positive things, but that isn’t always easy when you have financial, physical or emotional issues…

The steps to cultivating a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…

Step 3: Do Everything You Are Able To Do To Support Healing

The third step to having a Healing Mindset is to do everything you are able to do to support your healing.

My approach to support physical healing is based on 3 things and can be done with traditional and alternative treatments, Heal Emotions – Eliminate Toxins – Increase Energy.

Practicing an energy healing technique will heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions and trauma.   There are many techniques that are simple to use and you can learn from a book or audio program.  I listed a few on the RESOURCES page.

I believe learning how to release trapped emotions is the most important skill you can learn!!!

“90 percent of all pain that we experience is due to trapped emotions, to emotional baggage”  E-Motion The Movie

According to Bruce Lipton Ph.D. 90+% of Disease is caused by Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts.

“”The “new” biology defines how our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs create our body’s conditions, ranging from health to disease. Since only 1% of dis-ease is due to genetic defects, the remaining 99% is directly attributable to the environment and our nervous system’s perception of the environment.

This presentation focuses on the biomechanics of stress, recognized to be the primary source of disease and responsible for up to 90% of all doctor office visits. The discussion includes the mechanism by which stress promotes dysfunction and premature aging through its impact on telomeres, the body’s longevity mechanism. Bruce’s profoundly hopeful synthesis of leading-edge research in cell biology can enhance your professional practice and, as importantly, your personal life.” 2

We have the power to Heal, Change, Remove or Avoid all these causes of disease.

To increase healing energy, meditate or do Quantum Touch, give yourself Love, Approval and be grateful.  Go outside to be in nature, use energy devices, drink structured water, use essential oils.  See both articles on increasing healing energy.  Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 1) and Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 2)

To reduce toxins, eat organic foods and avoid toxins in your food, water and personal care products.


Step 4: Be Present

The fourth step to having a Healing Mindset is to Be Present.

The majority of STRESS comes from regret or judgment of the past or Worry and Fear of the Future.  So, try not to focus on the past or worry about what might happen, know and trust that you are healing.

I was in a program with Mas Sajady and one day we focused on stillness or completeness

Note in any single moment you don’t need anything.  You are perfect the way you are. You are complete the way you are.

Say “In this moment, I am complete”, over and over until it becomes the standard.  Notice the stillness.

“The point of power is in the present moment… right here and right now in our minds. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had negative patterns, an illness, a rotten relationship, lack of finances, or self-hatred.

We can begin to make a change today. The thoughts we’ve held and the words we’ve repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. Yet, that is past thinking; we’ve already done that.

What we’re choosing to think and say, today, at this moment, will create tomorrow and the next day and the next week and the next month and the next year, and so on.

The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where we begin to make changes. What a liberating idea. We can begin to let the old nonsense go. Right now. The smallest beginning will make a difference. “ Excerpt taken from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

Step 5: Trust That Even Though You May Not See It, Your Body is Healing 

The fifth step to having a Healing Mindset is to Trust that even though you may not see it, Your Body is Healing.

If you look for miracle healing, you will find them.

“In the community of students who do this work, people have healed themselves of chronic bladder infections, prostate problems, impotence, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, food allergies and sensitivities like celiac disease, ovarian tumors, elevated liver enzymes, acid reflux, heart palpitations, arrhythmias, asthma, lung conditions, back problems, thyroid conditions, throat cancer, neck pain, chronic migraine, headaches, brain tumors—and more.

We’ve seen all kinds of improvements in people from doing this particular meditation, sometimes even after the very first time they do it. Those dramatic healings were possible because students were able to epigenetically change the expression of their DNA, switching some of their genes on and others off, changing how those genes express proteins in their physical bodies (as you learned in Chapter 2).” 3


I always knew that I would heal and have been open to learning about healing techniques and supplements and I am always trying new things.

I understand that it can be frustrating when your body doesn’t work well, but fighting with it only makes it worse.  It is pointless and causes stress which hinders healing.

“Just trust that everything is unfolding the way it is supposed to.  Don’t resist.

Surrender to what is, Let go of what was and have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotti’s Bounce Back Big in 2017.


Blessings With Pure Source Energy,



  3. Dispenza, Dr. Joe. Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon (p. 93). Hay House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.