The Steps to Cultivating a Healing Mindset: Steps 1 and 2

In order to heal, you must have a Healing Mindset, you must Know you can Heal, Be Positive, Take Action, Accept and Trust.  We all know that we should focus on the positive things, but that isn’t always easy when you have financial, physical or emotional issues…

The steps to cultivating a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…   How to Cultivate a Healing Mindset 

 Step 1: Know That It Is Possible To Heal

The first step to having a Healing Mindset is to know that it is possible to heal, that doesn’t mean to think or hope that it’s possible.  You don’t need to know how, just know that it is possible, be curious and open minded.

You also need to take control of your own healing, certainly listen to your doctor or healing practitioners but also be open to new ideas.

Our bodies know how to heal, but they may not be able to begin the process due to stress, toxins and lack of resources.  It is up to us to release trapped negative emotions and stress triggers, eliminate toxins and increase the healing energy available.

“The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film (Heal) will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all.”1

Search for and connect with people who have or are healing.  Read books, watch videos, join groups and follow people who have healed, who inspire or motivate you.

What did the people who healed, transformed or succeed do?  How did they do it?

Even while doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong, I was working with an incredibly supportive group of alternative and energy healing practitioners.  I kept trying treatment, supplements and energy healing, I kept the ones that helped, discarded the ones that didn’t and continued to try new ones.  I NEVER GAVE UP.

The people I chose to work with believed that I could heal and I felt their support and love.

Here is a wonderful affirmation from John Assaraf

“My body and all its organs were created by the infinite intelligence in my subconscious mind. It knows how to heal me. Its wisdom created all my organs, tissues, bones, and muscles.

This infinite healing presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being, making me whole and perfect. I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place now.

Wonderful are the works of the creative intelligence within me! I am now perfectly healthy.” – Assaraf, John. Having It All


Step 2: Focus On The Positive Things

The second step to having a Healing Mindset is to focus on the positive things.

We all know that we should focus on the positive things, but that isn’t always easy when you have financial, physical or emotional issues.

To the extent possible, limit the amount of time you spend with negative people.  Unfortunately, we can’t avoid all the negative people and messages, but we can learn to limit the impact they have on us and our attitude.  Choose to FOCUS on the positive messages not on the naysayers and negative ones.

Certainly, doing emotional energy healing on the issues that bother you helps heal negative thoughts and emotions and I do that, but there are other ways like changing your focus and meditation.  Emotional energy healing is a significant aspect of my healing strategy, I have written and plan to write more on this issue.  See My Healing Strategy and Resources pages of my website.

I was in a program with a healer named Mas Sajady and he has us focus on one second at a time and remembering that in that second you have everything you need and in that second you are complete.  No matter what is happening in your life, in a single second you can feel complete.

The more you focus on being complete and feeling it, the better chance you have at bringing that completeness into your reality.  I am finding this very helpful.

Another way to release negative emotions I learned from Release Technique.  When negative emotions come up they’re coming up because they are ready to leave.  When you notice them, welcome them and release them by allowing them to leave.  Be gentle and loving, don’t try to force or fight with them.  Remember what you resist will persist.

Continue to welcome any negative emotions, allow them to leave and give them and you lots of love until you feel peaceful and light. 2 To learn more about Release Technique, click here.

When i get discouraged, i look for the lessons and the kindness around me.  I continue doing whatever I can to support my healing and stay in love and peace.


The Steps to a Healing Mindset: Steps 3, 4 and 5

Blessings With Pure Source Energy,



  2. Release Technique 


The Steps to Cultivating a Healing Mindset: Steps 3, 4 and 5

In order to heal, you must have a Healing Mindset, you must Know you can Heal, Be Positive, Take Action, Accept and Trust.  We all know that we should focus on the positive things, but that isn’t always easy when you have financial, physical or emotional issues…

The steps to cultivating a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…

Step 3: Do Everything You Are Able To Do To Support Healing

The third step to having a Healing Mindset is to do everything you are able to do to support your healing.

My approach to support physical healing is based on 3 things and can be done with traditional and alternative treatments, Heal Emotions – Eliminate Toxins – Increase Energy.

Practicing an energy healing technique will heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions and trauma.   There are many techniques that are simple to use and you can learn from a book or audio program.  I listed a few on the RESOURCES page.

I believe learning how to release trapped emotions is the most important skill you can learn!!!

“90 percent of all pain that we experience is due to trapped emotions, to emotional baggage”  E-Motion The Movie

According to Bruce Lipton Ph.D. 90+% of Disease is caused by Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts.

“”The “new” biology defines how our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs create our body’s conditions, ranging from health to disease. Since only 1% of dis-ease is due to genetic defects, the remaining 99% is directly attributable to the environment and our nervous system’s perception of the environment.

This presentation focuses on the biomechanics of stress, recognized to be the primary source of disease and responsible for up to 90% of all doctor office visits. The discussion includes the mechanism by which stress promotes dysfunction and premature aging through its impact on telomeres, the body’s longevity mechanism. Bruce’s profoundly hopeful synthesis of leading-edge research in cell biology can enhance your professional practice and, as importantly, your personal life.” 2

We have the power to Heal, Change, Remove or Avoid all these causes of disease.

To increase healing energy, meditate or do Quantum Touch, give yourself Love, Approval and be grateful.  Go outside to be in nature, use energy devices, drink structured water, use essential oils.  See both articles on increasing healing energy.  Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 1) and Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 2)

To reduce toxins, eat organic foods and avoid toxins in your food, water and personal care products.


Step 4: Be Present

The fourth step to having a Healing Mindset is to Be Present.

The majority of STRESS comes from regret or judgment of the past or Worry and Fear of the Future.  So, try not to focus on the past or worry about what might happen, know and trust that you are healing.

I was in a program with Mas Sajady and one day we focused on stillness or completeness

Note in any single moment you don’t need anything.  You are perfect the way you are. You are complete the way you are.

Say “In this moment, I am complete”, over and over until it becomes the standard.  Notice the stillness.

“The point of power is in the present moment… right here and right now in our minds. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had negative patterns, an illness, a rotten relationship, lack of finances, or self-hatred.

We can begin to make a change today. The thoughts we’ve held and the words we’ve repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. Yet, that is past thinking; we’ve already done that.

What we’re choosing to think and say, today, at this moment, will create tomorrow and the next day and the next week and the next month and the next year, and so on.

The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where we begin to make changes. What a liberating idea. We can begin to let the old nonsense go. Right now. The smallest beginning will make a difference. “ Excerpt taken from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

Step 5: Trust That Even Though You May Not See It, Your Body is Healing 

The fifth step to having a Healing Mindset is to Trust that even though you may not see it, Your Body is Healing.

If you look for miracle healing, you will find them.

“In the community of students who do this work, people have healed themselves of chronic bladder infections, prostate problems, impotence, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, food allergies and sensitivities like celiac disease, ovarian tumors, elevated liver enzymes, acid reflux, heart palpitations, arrhythmias, asthma, lung conditions, back problems, thyroid conditions, throat cancer, neck pain, chronic migraine, headaches, brain tumors—and more.

We’ve seen all kinds of improvements in people from doing this particular meditation, sometimes even after the very first time they do it. Those dramatic healings were possible because students were able to epigenetically change the expression of their DNA, switching some of their genes on and others off, changing how those genes express proteins in their physical bodies (as you learned in Chapter 2).” 3


I always knew that I would heal and have been open to learning about healing techniques and supplements and I am always trying new things.

I understand that it can be frustrating when your body doesn’t work well, but fighting with it only makes it worse.  It is pointless and causes stress which hinders healing.

“Just trust that everything is unfolding the way it is supposed to.  Don’t resist.

Surrender to what is, Let go of what was and have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotti’s Bounce Back Big in 2017.


Blessings With Pure Source Energy,



  3. Dispenza, Dr. Joe. Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon (p. 93). Hay House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.


Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal…(Part 2)

There are so many techniques, supplements, tools and approaches to healing, the variations of healing tool combinations are unlimited. Whatever combination of healing tools that you use, they should address two issues.  They need to remove blocks to healing like stress, trauma or toxins and increase energy available for healing.

When we think about energy, there are two different types of energy and two ways to increase them.  One way to think about Energy is as the physical energy or voltage that goes into the cells to support its repair and growth and the other way is to think of Energy as consciousness.

There are also many different ways to increase energy, you can increase it from external sources or generate it internally. We can increase it externally by contact with the earth, being in nature, drinking structured water or using tools like cold laser and PEMF devices.  See prior article Part 1 for information on how to increase or generate energy internally.

Everything you do to Increase your energy, increases your ability to heal.

Tools and practices to increase healing Energy – Externally

Contact with Nature

Go outside to be in contact with the earth and be in nature.  Put your bare feet on the earth, walk in nature, sit in the sun…

“The earth is a large electromagnet………An area of high voltage always causes electrons to flow to an area of low voltage.  If your body has a lower voltage than the earth, walking barefoot on the dirt or grass will cause electrons to flow from the earth into your body, recharging you.”1


Other ways to tap into the healing power of nature is to eat raw organic fruits and vegetables, drink Structured Water, use Essential Oils and use products made from nature like VibesUp or connected to the earth like Earthing.

Structured Water

I have been using a Structured Water device for many years and I would not give it up.    The devices energize the water, neutralize toxins and neutralize other negativity using sacred geometry and crystals.  Through the movement in the device, the water is returned to the state it was in nature.   Also, since you are structuring the water, there is no more waste from plastic water bottles.  There are many types of devices portable, shower, sink, whole house. To learn more

Essential Oils

Essential Oils are made from plants; therefore, the oils are highly concentrated and contain the healing properties of the plants. They are very high frequency and the molecules are so small they can penetrate cell walls.  Many of them are very powerful antioxidant. I started using them at the beginning and used them since.  Please check with someone who is certified in Aromatherapy to confirm that there aren’t any interactions with any medication that you are taking.  I use doTerra,  to learn more click here. doTerra

VibesUp products

These products are created from things found in nature like crystals and essential oils to provide us the benefits of being in nature.  They have a high vibrational frequency, so when we are in contact with them it increases our energetic frequency.  I have been using these products for many years and I love them.


“HIGH AND LOW VIBRATIONS CAN NOT COEXIST.. Like, a light bulb cannot be on and off at the same time.”

“…it would serve us well as a society to look DEEPLY into what vibrates low…PAIN, PARASITES, STRESS, DISEASE, RADIATION, DEPRESSION etc. ..and WHAT CAN RAISE THE VIBRATION to create an environment that these low vibration challenges would not co exist in.”

VibesUp website for Earth Vibrational Therapy Mat


The Earthing products ground you so when you can’t get outside they provide the benefits of being on the earth even when you are working or at night.  Earthing website

Healing Tools

There are so many healing tools available, I have used a few that I can recommend, but there are many more.

I use two, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF) and Low-Level or Cold Laser.  Both PEMF and Cold Laser therapies assist in the creation of ATP in the cells.  Both devices have many other benefits.

I bought my PEMP device from Dr. Pawluk’s website because they advise you about the devices that is right for you.  They have an extensive library of articles on PEMF therapy.

I use the Quantumwave Laser because it was designed for home use, it adds energy, it unwinds cellular memory and aids in meditation by unwinding emotions.


Everything you do can either increase or decrease your energy, the more you do to increase your energy the more your ability to heal increases.  I do more than one of the above tools every day.

Part 1 of this article is available on this website. The other aspect of healing is removing the blocks to healing like stress, trauma or toxins and that article will follow.

See RESOURCES page for a few recommendations.


Blessing with Pure Source Energy,

Dawn McCrea


  1. Healing is Voltage – The Handbook, Jerry Tennant, MD, Lexington, KY, 2011, Print.
  2. Photos are from


Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal. (Part 1)

In my 15-year healing journey, I have worked with many alternative and energy healers and have learned many techniques and approaches to natural healing.  I created my own healing strategy that helped me stop the progression of ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s disease and is helping me rebuild my body.

There are so many techniques, supplements, tools and approaches to healing, the variations of healing tool combinations are unlimited.  Whatever combination of tools you use, they should address two issues.  They need to remove blocks to healing like stress, trauma or toxins and increase energy available for healing.

Both removing blocks to healing and increasing energy available for healing have physical and emotional aspects.  I will discuss healing blocks to healing in another article, now I want to focus on increasing energy.

When we think about energy, there are two different types of energy and two ways to increase them.

One way to think about Energy is as the physical energy or voltage that goes into the cells to support its repair and growth and the other way is to think of Energy as consciousness.  We hear people say that someone has powerful, healing or high frequency energy.

There are also many different ways to increase your energy, you can increase it from external sources or generate it internally. We can increase it externally by contact with the earth, being in nature, drinking structured water or using tools like cold laser and PEMF devices.  We can also increase it internally through meditation, Qigong or techniques like Quantum Touch.

Everything you do to Increase your energy, increases your ability to heal.

Tools to increase healing Energy – Internally

Raising Consciousness

As we learned from David R Hawkins increasing your level of consciousness increases your body’s ability to heal, so anything that raises your level of consciousness Increase your energy.

Dr. David R. Hawkins performed a study to map the levels of consciousness which is documented in his book Power vs. Force.  He used applied kinesiology (muscle testing) to determine the level of consciousness of thousands of test subjects holding certain thoughts.  He rates the level of 1 is just being alive and 1000 as being enlightened.

As he discusses in the book he had subjects hold the thought of love and then tested them at various numbers and determined love had a level of 500.  According to Dr. Hawkins, “all levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.” 1

So according to this work, holding emotions such as humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate or scorn are destructive to your life.


To raise level of consciousness you can learn to change your thoughts, feelings and emotions to higher level of consciousness and focus on what is going well not what is wrong.

Emotional energy healing techniques like Release Technique, Healing Codes, or EFT aka Tapping help you heal your feelings and emotions which is another way to raise consciousness.   See RESOURCES page for a few recommendations for tools.

Give Love and Approval

It is possible to increase the level of healing energy in the body simply by giving yourself and others love and approval.  I learned this from Release Technique and find it very helpful.

“A very good starting point is to love yourself. Give yourself approval all the time. Put yourself to sleep giving yourself approval and wake yourself up in the morning giving yourself approval. Your mind doesn’t want you to do it. It wants you to forget. Overcome your mind’s forgetfulness. You will see how giving yourself approval will turn your days and nights into a positive direction.”2


Meditation reduces stress, increases energy flow and energetic frequency.   There are many books, teleseminars, videos and audios on meditation.

It can be as simple as sitting quietly while feeling Love and Joy with focused breath.  Meditation has so many benefits, it should be done daily

Energy Healing

Working with healers directly, through programs, teleseminars and videos can increase healing energy.  I listen to or watch interviews / meditations / healings almost every day.  I just love connecting with high level energy.  My current favorite healer are Meg Benedicte, Mas Sajady and Edwin Harkness Spina.

Energy healing techniques like Quantum Touch has the same benefits as meditation, you can also use it for healing.  It works through breath work and focused intention on Love.

Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Kundalini Yoga are well known to increase energy and have healing benefits.


Everything you do can either increase or decrease your energy, the more you do to increase your energy the more your ability to heal increases.  I do more than one of the above tools every day.

Part 2 of this article is coming soon and will address increase energy using external sources.  The other aspect of healing is removing the blocks to healing like stress, trauma or toxins and that article will follow.

See RESOURCES page for a few recommendations.

Blessing with Pure Source Energy,

Dawn McCrea


  1. Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002
  2. Lawrence Crane. Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way (Kindle Locations 288-290). Kindle Edition.
  3. Photos are from


Energy Healing: pH, Electrons and Earthing

While this topic is about energy and healing it isn’t really Energy Healing.  It is about how to increase your body’s recourses to increase its ability to repair and heal.  I remember hearing for years that maintaining a healthy pH and being out in nature helps keeps your body healthy and heal, but since I didn’t understand why I didn’t pay much attention to these factors.  Now that I do understand why, increasing the energy available for healing and tapping into to nature are a huge part of my healing strategy.

In the book Healing is Voltage – The Handbook, Dr. Jerry Tennant realized that cells need a very specific environment to work properly.  Dr. Tennant made this discovery during his own journey to regain his own health.  It is a very interesting book and looks at the environment of a cell by looking at Glucose, Temperature, Blood Pressure, pH and Oxygen.  For now I am going discuss the effect of pH on healing and how to change your body’s pH.  Once you understand why it’s so important, there are many ways we can keep our cells in a healthy pH range.

We have all heard about free radicals and antioxidants, but here are the definitions from the book.

“A free radical is a molecule that is missing electrons.  It is like a mugger looking for someone’s purse to steal.  When a free radical steals electrons from a cell, it damages the cell.

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of giving electrons away……….”1

An antioxidant is an electron donor, has a pH of 7.1 -14, is alkaline and constructive.

“Electron stealers cause damage, are pH from 0 to 6.9, are acidic, are free radicals, are the positive pole, are destructive, and at the atomic level spin left.”1

The best things to do to maintain the proper pH is to walk barefoot on the earth, spend time in nature, drink water from a moving body of water, drink structure water and eat food grown from earth in its natural state.  The earth, plants and water from a stream contains electrons and when you touch, eat or drink these things they give you the electrons that you are missing.  Once you receive the needed electrons, assuming everything else is in order, the cells in your body can work properly and they are able to heal.

“The earth is a large electromagnet………An area of high voltage always causes electrons to flow to an area of low voltage.  If your body has a lower voltage than the earth, walking barefoot on the dirt or grass will cause electrons to flow from the earth into your body, recharging you.”1

Alternatively, when you eat and drink, low pH, or acidic things or go in a toxic environment, those cells can steal electrons from the cells in your body which damages them.

In our modern life, this isn’t always possible to be in nature and eat the right foods so I will give you things that you can do to give you the needed electrons.

  • Structured Water – I have been using structured water devices for many years and I would not give it up. The devices neutralize toxins, neutralize other negativity and energizes the water.  As a bonus, since you are structuring the water, no more plastic water bottles.  There are many types of devices portable, shower, sink, whole house. To learn more
  • Essential Oils are made from plants; therefore, the oils are highly concentrated and contain the healing properties of the plants and antioxidant. They are very high frequency and the molecules are so small they can penetrate cell walls. I started using them at the beginning and used them ever since.
  • Earthing Summit –The Earthing products ground you so when you can’t get outside they provide the benefits of being on the earth even when you are working or at night.  Earthing website
  • Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Book by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra and Martin Zucker. You can buy at the website above or Amazon.
  • VibesUp products – these products are designed from things found in nature to provide you the benefits of being in nature. I have been using these products for years and I love them.  VibesUp website

Everything we do either helps our body heal or hinders it, increasing energy in your body will support your Health.  Walking on the earth, being in nature, eating natural foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables, and using grounding products are great ways to keep your cells in the proper Ph which increases the energy available for healing.  This is just one aspect of my energy healing strategy that I use to support my health.


  1. Healing is Voltage – The Handbook, Jerry Tennant, MD, Lexington, KY, 2011, Print.
  2. Photos are from


8 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude, No Matter What…

We have all heard that having a positive mental attitude is important for physical healing, emotional healing and achieving success.  When we are experiencing challenges, it can be harder to maintain a positive attitude.

in 2002, I was given a diagnosis of a debilitating illness and instead of worrying about what might happen, I continued living as if I wasn’t going to die…

Even while doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong, I was working with an incredibly supportive group of alternative and energy healing practitioners.    I intentionally surrounded myself with positive supportive people, I read books, listened to teleseminars and took programs to inspire and educate me on healing and the importance of positive mental attitude.

In the 15 years following the devastating diagnosis, I experienced increasing physical limitation, got a divorce, moved 6 times, had to leave my job and lost my home.  So, I had to learn many ways to maintain a positive attitude and reduce stress.

Everything you do either helps your body heal or hinders it.  Maintaining a positive attitude helps it…

8 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude

ONE                      STAY INSPIRED

Search for and connect with people who have healed, are healing, inspire and motivate you.  Read books, watch videos, join groups and follow people who inspire and motivate you.

What did these people who succeeded do?  How did they do it?

A few times a day or when you need a boost, read or listen to inspiring messages.


We are always connected to love and we don’t have to wait for someone to give us love and approval. We also need to let go of disapproving of ourselves and beating ourselves up.  We need to learn how to give ourselves love and approval, this was life changing for me.   I learned these things primarily from Release Technique.

So, when you catch yourself disapproving or being critical of yourself or your body, stop and give yourself LOVE and APPROVAL.

“You are neither too much nor too little.   You are perfect just as you are, dear ones.  You don’t have to prove anything to anyone anywhere…  You are perfect as you are, right here and right now. There is no need to struggle to be better.  All you need to do is love yourself more and more each day.     The rest will follow.”  Louise Hay Newsletter 10/15/2016


In addition to boosting our mood, meditation and prayer reduces stress, increases energy flow and energetic frequency.  Quantum Touch also has the same benefits and you can also use it for healing.

One easy way is to think of something you love and turn up the intensity of the feeling of love and visualize placing the feeling in your heart.  Now, focus on your breath and if thoughts appear, allow them to leave and return to your breath.

Another way is to connect to source energy, the universe or God and use focused breath as above.  Set intention to deepen connection with source energy or as I learned from Mas Sajady ask “How do I connect to source energy even stronger?”

As you practice, your connection and the benefits will increase.

FOUR                    BE PRESENT

The majority of stress comes from regret or judgment of the past or Worry and Fear of the Future.  Ask yourself, “In this moment am I safe?”, most of the time the answer is YES.  If something is upsetting in this moment use another method, try not to hold negative energy for things you can’t change or control.

“Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment… Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life – and see how life starts suddenly to start working for you rather than against you.” Eckhart Tolle


There are many Essential Oils that boost the mood and reduce stress.  Essential Oils are made from plants; therefore, the oils are highly concentrated and contain the healing properties of the plants. They are also very high frequency.

LifeWave’s Y-Age Aeon patch is clinically proven to reduce stress in the body and promotes relaxation.  It reflects particular wavelengths of light, which stimulate specific points on the skin that decrease inflammation and increase antioxidant production in the body.  They also have another patch called nirvana that enhances mood.  To learn more, see my LifeWave page.

SIX                         FEEL GRATITUDE

When feeling sad or discouraged, look around for things that help you, make your life easier, lifts your spirit and then feel grateful. Also thank your body for what it can do, instead of focusing on the challenges.

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brian Tracy   Brainy Quote


Think about what makes you happy or something that you want to achieve.  Visualize it and FEEL what you will feel if or when you achieve it.  Sit there for a few minutes and really feel all the feelings and sensations as if you had it now.


Learn an emotional energy healing technique.  Practicing an energy healing technique will heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions and trauma.   This helps maintain a positive attitude more easily.

It also allows our bodies to stay in the growth process so we can either heal or prevent illness.  There are many methods that release or clear stress and trauma trapped in your body, like Healing Code, EFT aka Tapping, Release Technique.

Check the RESOURCES page of this website for tools and techniques to help you maintain a positive attitude.

All the best,

Dawn McCrea

HEALING STARTS WITH YOU – 5 Steps to Help Your Body Heal

I was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) aka Lou Gehrig’s disease in 2002 and I am writing this June 2017, so I have experienced the frustration and stress that often occurs with chronic illness or injury.  Learning to maintain a positive attitude, stay motivated and at peace are critical in order to heal.  It doesn’t matter if you are using traditional, alternative or energy healing methods you have the power to help your body heal.

I’ve spent over 15 years on this healing journey, working with alternative and energy healing practitioners.  I have used many different techniques and I learned something from each one, but there was no one thing that healed all the issues.  So, I created my own practice for healing that works for me.  I want to share what I’ve learned so that you can create a practice that helps your body heal.

Our bodies know how to heal, but they may not be able to begin the process due to stress, toxins and lack of resources.  It is up to us to release trapped negative emotions and stress triggers, eliminate toxins and increase the healing energy available.

My approach to support physical healing is based on 3 things and can be done with traditional and alternative treatments.

Heal Emotions – Eliminate Toxins – Increase Energy


5 Steps

KNOW that it is possible to HEAL;

HEAL sources of stress and trauma;

Give LOVE and approval;

Increase healing ENERGY – Internally;

Increase healing ENERGY – Externally.

The “Inner” Work – Healing thoughts, feelings and emotions:

The Inner work positively transforms your thoughts, feelings and emotions, which allows your body to heal / repair more effectively.

People who have healed from a serious illness or injury often say that they were transformed in the process.  Since my diagnosis in 2002, I can say that I am a very different person and in a good way.  I am not being critical of myself, I did the best that I could, but now I am emotionally stronger, more at peace and able to Forgive, love and accept myself much more.

Healing is Transformation


STEP 1                   KNOW that it is possible to HEAL

Search for and connect with people who have or are healing.  Read books, watch videos, join groups and follow people who have healed, who inspire or motivate you.

What did the people who healed, transformed or succeed do?  How did they do it?

Years ago, I learned that there were people in my life that thought I was in denial.  After being given a diagnosis of ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), which for most is terminal, instead of worrying about what might happen, I continued living as if I wasn’t going to die…

Even while doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong, I was   working with an incredibly supportive group of alternative and energy healing practitioners.    I kept trying treatment, supplements and energy healing, I kept the ones that helped, discarded the ones that didn’t and continue to try new ones.  I NEVER GAVE UP.

To the extent possible, limit the amount of time you spend with negative people.  Unfortunately, we can’t avoid all the negative people and messages, but we can learn to limit the impact they have on us and our attitude.  Choose to FOCUS on the positive messages not on the naysayers and negative ones.

I generally ignore people who have a limited view of what’s possible.  If someone is “pushing my buttons”, I do healing on the issue and we’ll do that in Step 2.


STEP 2                   HEAL sources of stress and trauma

Learn an emotional energy healing technique.  Practicing an energy healing technique will heal triggers to sources of stress, trapped negative emotions and trauma.   There are many techniques that are simple to use and you can learn from a book or audio program.  Appendix A

I believe learning how to release trapped emotions is the most important skill you can learn!!!

“90 percent of all pain that we experience is due to trapped emotions, to emotional baggage”  E-Motion The Movie

This movie confirms my approach to healing and why my strategy is so focused on emotional healing.

Keep a journal of issues to heal using these tools:

  1. Issues and people that cause you stress;
  2. Past trauma;
  3. Limiting beliefs to what is possible from STEP 1;
  4. Limiting beliefs to loving yourself from STEP 3.


BE PRESENT –  The majority of STRESS comes from regret or judgment of the past or Worry and Fear of the Future.  Ask yourself, “In this moment am I safe?”, most of the time the answer is YES.


STEP 3                   Give LOVE and APPROVAL

Give yourself love and approval, ACCEPT yourself as you are no matter what.

While your body may be experiencing disease, “You” (Your essence or true self) are not broken.

Give your body and yourself Love and Approval every day and heal any issues that prevent you from unconditionally loving yourself.

“You are neither too much nor too little.   You are perfect just as you are, dear ones.  You don’t have to prove anything to anyone anywhere…  You are perfect as you are, right here and right now. There is no need to struggle to be better.  All you need to do is love yourself more and more each day.     The rest will follow.”  Louise Hay Newsletter 10/15/2016


STEP 4                   Increase healing ENERGY – Internally

It is possible to increase the level of healing energy in the body; it can be as simple as sitting quietly while feeling Love and Joy with focused breath.

Meditation reduces stress, increases energy flow and energetic frequency.   There are many books and audios on this.

Quantum Touch has the same benefits as meditation, you can also use it for healing.  It works through breath work and focused intention on Love. Appendix 1

Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Kundalini Yoga are well known to increase energy and have healing benefits.  I haven’t used these techniques.

External “Outer” Work – Healing from external sources




Step 5                     Increase healing   ENERGY – External

Structured Water – I have been using a device for many years and I would not give it up.    The devices neutralize toxins, neutralize other negativity and energizes the water.  As a bonus, since you are structuring the water, no more plastic water bottles.  There are many types of devices portable, shower, sink, whole house. To learn more.

Essential Oils are made from plants; therefore, the oils are highly concentrated and contain the healing properties of the plants. They are very high frequency and the molecules are so small they can penetrate cell walls.  I started using them at the beginning and used them off and on since.  For the past several months I am using them more than ever.  Please check with someone who is certified in Aromatherapy to confirm that there aren’t any interactions with any medication that you are taking.

Healing Tools – There are so many healing tools available.    I use two a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF) and a Low-Level or Cold Laser.  Both add energy to the cells, but I am not able to describe all the other benefits here.

I bought my PEMP device from Dr. Pawluk’s website because they advise you about the devices and have many articles on PEMF therapy.

I use the Quantumwave Laser because it was designed for home use, it adds energy, it unwinds cellular memory and aids in meditation by unwinding emotions.



The Daily Practice

A well respected cellular biologist and author, Dr. Bruce Lipton, wrote an interesting and enlightening book “The Biology of Belief”.  In it he discusses the importance of joy and love.

“It is also important to note to fully experience your vitality it takes more than just getting rid of life’s stressors.  In a growth-protection continuum, eliminating the stressors only puts you at the neutral point in the range.  To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulates growth processes.”1


The Daily Practice – Your daily practice should include the Inner work such as reduce stressors AND increase love and joy.  It should also include External work to eliminate toxins and increase energy from nature and healing tools.  We are all different, so our practices will be different.

  1. A couple times a day, or as needed, read or listen to inspiring messages.
  2. Review your Journal from Step 2 and add any new issues, check in to see which ones need attention and do some healing.
  3. Meditate or do Quantum Touch remembering to give yourself Love, Approval and Gratitude.
  4. Go outside to be in nature, use energy devices, drink structured water, use essential oils.
  5. Avoid toxins in your food, water and personal care products.
  6. Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.


Appendix A

I have been studying and using energy healing for over 10 years. I took certification training in Quantum Touch Level 1 and 2.0, I am certified in Quantum Energy Transformation therapies, Awakening Dynamics Levels 1-4.

I have also used many techniques and the ones that I believe are beneficial and easy to learn and use are as follows:

Emotional Energy Healing Techniques

Energy Healing and The Art of Awakening by Alain and Jody Herriott.  I have been using this process for a few months and it combines my favorite thing from other methods.  I love it but it might not be right for people who are new to working with energy.  EHS Bookstore

Healing Code by Alex Loyd and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping are both popular and effective techniques that are easy to learn. They use hand and arm movements that may be challenging.  EHS Bookstore

Release Technique.  The reason I like it is it clears stress and trauma and it trains you to change the energy of your thoughts which increases your personal vibrational frequency.  When you are done with a releasing session, you feel lighter and more at peace like you’ve meditated for a half hour.  Release Technique website

Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon is a wonderful audio program that teaches you how to work with energy and how to clear limiting beliefs and blocks to health and abundance.  Love or Above

Ho’oponopono –  A Hawaiian healing prayer

I am sorry – Please forgive me – Thank you – I love you

Focus on any issue you want to heal, say and feel into this prayer. There are books and videos on this.


Other Energy Healing Techniques

Quantum Touch by Richard Gordon is very easy to learn and can be used by someone with no energy healing experience.  There are two books, online course and live workshops.  I use it all the time, but it doesn’t heal emotional issues. EHS Bookstore

Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal

Quantum Touch: The New Human


Go to my Energy Healing Strategies FB Page @EnergyHealingStrategies  

I have also written other articles on my blog Energy Healing Strategies

Stress and Healing, What I Wish I Knew…

When we learn how to release the stress and trauma affecting our bodies, we allow our bodies to return to the growth process so we can either heal or prevent illness. 

When I was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) aka Lou Gehrig’s disease in 2002, I was already working with alternative and energy healing practitioners, but I didn’t know about emotional healing like EFT aka Tapping, Healing Codes, Release Technique, etc…  I also did not know how to handle my emotions and feelings or how harmful stress is and that I was creating it.

I started working with energy healers and doing emotional energy healing myself.  I used many different techniques and I learned something from each one, but there was no one thing that healed all the issues.  So, I created my own practice for healing that works for me.

The most important component of any healing strategy or practice is healing trapped emotions, stress triggers and trauma.  Many energy healing techniques work because they release or heal trapped emotions, stress or a traumatic event and then the body heals itself.  I believe there are other causes besides stress and trauma, but right now I want to discuss only those two.

The first time I heard that over 75% – 90% of all illness and disease was caused by stress was from The Healing Code book written by Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson. 1  In this book, Dr. Loyd discussed the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief.

In the Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton has an entire chapter of the growth and protection functions of an organism.  The growth function not only refers to growing from children to adult, but also in the repair and maintenance of our bodies.  The protection mode is triggered when we feel stressed or have a traumatic event, both can create a fight or flight response.  He explains the interaction between the two as follows:

“… humans unavoidably restrict their growth behaviors when they shift into a protection mode.  If you’re running from a mountain lion, it’s not a good idea to expend energy on growth.  In order to survive—that is, escape the lion—you summon all your energy for your fight or flight response.“

“Inhibiting growth process is also debilitating in that growth is a process that not only expends energy but is also required to produce energy.  Consequently, a sustained protection response inhibits the creation of life-sustaining energy.” 2

So, a cell or a human cannot be stressed and healing itself at the same time.  If you are in a state of continual stress then not only are your cells not healing, but they aren’t maintaining themselves, eliminating waste or duplicating.  The cells, the tissue and ultimately your body does not have the vitality it needs, it becomes weak and disease thrives.

Obviously, most of us aren’t encountering mountain lions in our lives, but Dr. Lipton explains that emotional stress creates the same biological response in our bodies.  The difference is that this emotional stress is continuous.

“We are constantly besieged by multitudes of unresolvable worries about our lives, our jobs and war-torn global community.  Such worries do not threaten our immediate survival, but they nevertheless can activate the HPA axis, resulting in chronically elevated stress hormones.” 2

“Almost every major illness that people acquire has been linked to chronic stress. (Sergerstrom and Miller 2004; Kopp and Rethelyi 2004; McEwen and Lasky 2002; McEwen and Seeman 1999)  Between 75 and 90 percent of primary-care physician visit have stress as a major contributing factor.  (Atkinson 2000) 2





I know that stress and several traumatic events either caused or greatly contributed to the physical condition of my body.  In the years following my diagnosis, because of the increase in physical limitations, personal problems and resulting stress, I developed other types of illnesses.  As the stress increased so did the severity of the symptoms and number of other ailments.  It wasn’t until I started emotional energy healing and healing of the stress triggers did things start to turn around and my body began to heal. By then, I had added layers upon layers of stress and ailments so it took time.  I am sure that if I started emotional healing when I was diagnosed, then I wouldn’t have gotten as weak as I did.

When we learn how to release the stress and trauma affecting our bodies, we allow our bodies to return to the growth process so we can either heal or prevent illness.  There are many methods that release or clear trapped emotions, stress triggers and trauma trapped in your body.  It is also important to learn to manage your emotions and feelings to reduce stress by healing them as they come up.

There are a few books that I have used and recommend for emotional healing on my RESOURCES PAGE and MY PRACTICE PAGE.

Dawn McCrea

  1. Loyd, Alex and Dr. Ben Johnson, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Any Health, Success and Relationship Issues, Arizona, Intermedia Publishing Group, Inc., 2010, Print.
  2. Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.



Quantum Touch: The Healing Power of Love

In my quest for physical healing, I have tried many energy healing therapies and techniques.  I have been trained in several techniques and am certified in a few and most of them heal, clear and process emotional issues.  Quantum Touch was one of the first techniques that I learned and still use to increase the healing energy available and boosts the mood, but it doesn’t heal emotional issues.  The basic techniques are very easy to learn, but they are so powerful that there are an infinite number of applications you can learn and create.

I heard about Quantum Touch like I heard about most everything else, a teleseminar.  I bought the first book Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal by Richard Gordon 1 and learned the breathing, the basic technique and how to do self-healing.  Even just doing breathing and focused attention on love raises your vibrational frequency.  As I discussed in (The Frequency of Thoughts), having a frequency as high as Love is very constructive.  That alone makes learning this energy healing technique invaluable.

How to Learn Quantum Touch

To take the next step, you can take the Quantum Touch Level 1 course either online or a 2-day live training.  The online course is great if you want to use this energy healing technique on friends and family, but not if you want to be a practitioner.  The Level 1 course teaches the breathing and focused intention techniques and is for hands-on method, although it can be used for distance healing.  Richard Gordon later created QT 2.0 with which the healing energy is sent to where it is needed.  Because you don’t need to touch the area, the healing energy can be sent anywhere in space and time.  If you are able to use your hands and send the healing, the benefits may be enhanced.  This energy healing method is easier to use, more powerful and allows for more possibilities for applications.  It is best, and I believed required to take the level 1 course before level 2.0.  The level 2.0 technique is the subject of Richard’s second book Quantum Touch: The New Human.  There are also other courses to support the energy healing work like Seeing & Perceiving and Self-Creative Health which is for resolving emotional issues.  It is believed by Richard, and many of the energy healing population, that if a physical issue is chronic or returns, there is an emotional cause.

The Benefits of Quantum Touch

Quantum Touch can be used for, but is not limited to, the following purposes:energy light hand

  • Pain Relief
  • Relief from tingling or numbness
  • Reducing muscle tightness and stiffness
  • Increase recovery from exercise
  • Structural alignment of bones
  • Clearing trapped emotional energy
  • Aid in meditation
  • Aid in manifesting
  • Raise vibrational frequency

Quantum Touch works through focused intention on the location in the body and healing goal.  It is believed that the body’s intelligence will send the energy where it is needed.  So, even if your knowledge of anatomy isn’t that good or you send energy to the wrong place, the healing energy will go    where it is needed.   Quantum Touch is very easy to learn and can be used by someone with no energy healing experience.  It is also so powerful that and experienced practitioner can used it and can even be combined with other energy healing therapies.  Because of the flexibility of QT 2.0, there are an infinite number of applications you can learn and create.  If you want to learn more go to Energy Healing Strategies RESOURCES and MY PRACTICE pages

  1. Gordon, Richard, Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2006, Print.
  2. Gordon, Richard, Quantum Touch: The New Human, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2013, Print.
  3. Herriott, Alain and Jody, Quantum Touch: Core Transformation, 

New Year’s Tips for Living – 5 Things to Do Every Day to Regain or Maintain Health and Wellness

sunflower_2Tips for Living

I have spent many years searching for ways to heal my body and I came up with 5 things that I do every day that are helping me heal in every way possible.

One             Believe that Any Thing is Possible

Find things that inspire you, give you hope and teach you how to change your life.  I would have given up on life years ago, but I found books audios, courses and teleseminars that inspired and taught me how to heal my body and soul.

I have listened to many speakers, but my favorites and the ones I listen to and whose products I use are Dr. Sue Morter and Joshua Bloom.

Two            Love Yourself and Feel Love

One of the most important skills that I have learned is to feel truly loved without looking for someone else to do it.   Imagine what it would feel like to be loved or feel the love you feel for someone or something and give it to you and your body.  Do it completely and OFTEN.

Resources for this Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Love, Medicine and Miracles, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Sue Morter, Joshua Bloom and Release Technique.

Healing Power of Love

Three          Release, Release, Release………

Experts in all areas of healthcare agree that STRESS is a major cause of physical and emotional issues.  Learning a releasing/clearing tool is critical because if you are not releasing you are suppressing.

There are many techniques, tools and ways of living, I have used and recommend the following; Quantum Energy Transformation by Joshua Bloom, Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter, Healing Codes and Release Technique.

Causes of Illness

Four            Conscious Breathing

People have been doing this forever because of its numerous physical and emotional benefits.  I will mention only two; it takes you out of stress and raises your energetic frequency.  I do meditation, energy healing, breathwork and Visualization.

There are many techniques, tools and ways of living, I have used and I recommend the following; .

Five             Be in Contact with Nature / Earth

Go outside and be in contact with the Earth (barefoot), be in nature and eat and drink foods close to their natural state.  If these are not practical, use Earthing or VibesUp products to energize your body and/or foods.  I only drink structured water, it has been reshaped and re-energized back to its natural, pure state.

Energy Healing: pH, Electrons and Earthing, Earth



Structured Water, To learn more visit,


  1. Sue Morter (Energy Codes and Body Awake Series) ;
  2. Joshua Bloom (Quantum Energy Transformation) ;
  3. Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002
  4. Siegel, Bernie, M.D., Love, Medicine & Miracles: Lessons Learned About Self-Healing from a Surgeon’s Experience with Exceptional Patients, New York, NY, HarperCollins, 2002, Print.
  5. Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.
  6. Healing Codes by Loyd;
  7. Release Technique;