Increase Your Energy…Increase Your Ability to Heal. (Part 1)

In my 15-year healing journey, I have worked with many alternative and energy healers and have learned many techniques and approaches to natural healing.  I created my own healing strategy that helped me stop the progression of ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s disease and is helping me rebuild my body.

There are so many techniques, supplements, tools and approaches to healing, the variations of healing tool combinations are unlimited.  Whatever combination of tools you use, they should address two issues.  They need to remove blocks to healing like stress, trauma or toxins and increase energy available for healing.

Both removing blocks to healing and increasing energy available for healing have physical and emotional aspects.  I will discuss healing blocks to healing in another article, now I want to focus on increasing energy.

When we think about energy, there are two different types of energy and two ways to increase them.

One way to think about Energy is as the physical energy or voltage that goes into the cells to support its repair and growth and the other way is to think of Energy as consciousness.  We hear people say that someone has powerful, healing or high frequency energy.

There are also many different ways to increase your energy, you can increase it from external sources or generate it internally. We can increase it externally by contact with the earth, being in nature, drinking structured water or using tools like cold laser and PEMF devices.  We can also increase it internally through meditation, Qigong or techniques like Quantum Touch.

Everything you do to Increase your energy, increases your ability to heal.

Tools to increase healing Energy – Internally

Raising Consciousness

As we learned from David R Hawkins increasing your level of consciousness increases your body’s ability to heal, so anything that raises your level of consciousness Increase your energy.

Dr. David R. Hawkins performed a study to map the levels of consciousness which is documented in his book Power vs. Force.  He used applied kinesiology (muscle testing) to determine the level of consciousness of thousands of test subjects holding certain thoughts.  He rates the level of 1 is just being alive and 1000 as being enlightened.

As he discusses in the book he had subjects hold the thought of love and then tested them at various numbers and determined love had a level of 500.  According to Dr. Hawkins, “all levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.” 1

So according to this work, holding emotions such as humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate or scorn are destructive to your life.


To raise level of consciousness you can learn to change your thoughts, feelings and emotions to higher level of consciousness and focus on what is going well not what is wrong.

Emotional energy healing techniques like Release Technique, Healing Codes, or EFT aka Tapping help you heal your feelings and emotions which is another way to raise consciousness.   See RESOURCES page for a few recommendations for tools.

Give Love and Approval

It is possible to increase the level of healing energy in the body simply by giving yourself and others love and approval.  I learned this from Release Technique and find it very helpful.

“A very good starting point is to love yourself. Give yourself approval all the time. Put yourself to sleep giving yourself approval and wake yourself up in the morning giving yourself approval. Your mind doesn’t want you to do it. It wants you to forget. Overcome your mind’s forgetfulness. You will see how giving yourself approval will turn your days and nights into a positive direction.”2


Meditation reduces stress, increases energy flow and energetic frequency.   There are many books, teleseminars, videos and audios on meditation.

It can be as simple as sitting quietly while feeling Love and Joy with focused breath.  Meditation has so many benefits, it should be done daily

Energy Healing

Working with healers directly, through programs, teleseminars and videos can increase healing energy.  I listen to or watch interviews / meditations / healings almost every day.  I just love connecting with high level energy.  My current favorite healer are Meg Benedicte, Mas Sajady and Edwin Harkness Spina.

Energy healing techniques like Quantum Touch has the same benefits as meditation, you can also use it for healing.  It works through breath work and focused intention on Love.

Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Kundalini Yoga are well known to increase energy and have healing benefits.


Everything you do can either increase or decrease your energy, the more you do to increase your energy the more your ability to heal increases.  I do more than one of the above tools every day.

Part 2 of this article is coming soon and will address increase energy using external sources.  The other aspect of healing is removing the blocks to healing like stress, trauma or toxins and that article will follow.

See RESOURCES page for a few recommendations.

Blessing with Pure Source Energy,

Dawn McCrea


  1. Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002
  2. Lawrence Crane. Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way (Kindle Locations 288-290). Kindle Edition.
  3. Photos are from