Energy Healing: Vibrational Healing Therapies

music_notes_backgroundI hear healers and transformational leaders say more and more that increasing your vibrational frequency is one of the most important things a person can do in transformation and healing.  I am starting to see and feel in my personal healing that raising my frequency is more, or at least, as important as clearing negativity.  Your thoughts are very important in changing your personal vibration, but it’s only one factor.  I also use energy healing and other tools, such as music, diet, breath work and meditation.  See My Favorites tab for other tools and sources of information on how to increase your vibrational frequency.

As I discussed in What Energy Healing Is post, everything is energy and has a vibrational frequency.  It is important to know that things with a high vibrational frequency are healing and those with a low vibrational frequency are destructive.  Thoughts P vs F  Another very important concept is entrainment, when two energy bodies are in contact or connected in some way, their vibrational frequency will entrain to be the same.  This is true for two people, a person and the earth or a person and food or water.  Many types of energy healing work because of resonance and entrainment.  So, when you listen to or use products that vibrate at a higher frequency than your body, your body will entrain up to that higher frequency.  The issue is then to continue it, surround yourself with people and things to keep it high.

Some experts feel that you must clear the denser low vibration thoughts and emotions before you can hold a high vibration, others believe when you hold a high vibration, the negative thoughts and emotions dissolve.  I don’t think it matters which approach you take and in fact many of the tools I use do both at the same time.

Here are some of the tools I use and found helpful:

  • As I mentioned in How to Work with Energy, I love the programs from Christie Marie Sheldon.  I have used two of her energy healing products the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit and Unlimited Abundance Program and enjoyed and learned from both of them.1  In the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit, she gives you many useful tools.
  • I use tools from Mashhur Anam from Life Harmonized2,  Panache Desai and Meg Benedicte.  Almost all of their tools do both clear density and raise vibration.
  • Dr. Alex Lyod, author and creator of The Healing Code, just released a new product called The Immune System Miracle Key.  It is a collection of audios and videos that contain very powerful words and music.3  In the workbook that is part of the product, Alex Loyd explain why he used the frequency he uses in the product of 528 Hz, the frequency of Love and DNA repair.  The workbook also includes the Solfeggio scale which shows the frequencies and there definitions and as you will see the more positive the thought the higher the frequency.  If you want more information on the Solfeggio scale do an internet search, I found a site that was easy to read and I include it below.4
  • There is an online store called VibesUp with products created by Kaitlyn Keyt.  They have these amazing mats that are made of live extracts of flowers, plant, trees and grounding gems and are designed to raise the frequency of anything in contact with them.  They also give you a grounding as if you were standing barefoot on the earth.  They also have jewelry and personal care products like soaps and deodorant.

Vibrational therapies can be added to all aspects of your life, most are easy to use and won’t interfere with most medical treatments.  I find that as with other energy healing therapies make you feel happy and at peace.

  1. Christie Marie Sheldon, and
  2. Life Harmonized
  6. Photos are from