Energy Healing: How to Work with Energy

universe1I didn’t know a thing about energy healing when I began my healing journey.  I was familiar with chiropractic and acupuncture, but energy healing was all new.  I started working with different intuitive energy healers but I thought working with energy was difficult and required some magical skill that only some people had.  I have since learned that it is a skill that can be learned, although some are more gifted than others.

When I began my search for the “cure” to the illness which I had been diagnosed, I tried many alternative and energy healing techniques, but I didn’t understand how they worked.  I did not know how to see, feel or work with energy.  As this field is growing and expanding more information is being shared.  There have always been people willing to teach healers how to work with energy, but not simple things that people could use in their daily lives.

Energy can be moved or transformed simply through your desire or intention for it to do so.  You can visualize clearing or transmuting negative or low vibration energy, either within you or around you.  You can also visualize a tool to move the energy, the tool can be anything like a divine light, vacuum or tornado.  You can also clear energy within you such as anger or sorrow, simply by letting go of it or asking it to leave.  Also, see my posts on releasing stress.  Healing Codes, EFT and Theta, The Release Technique

My favorite intuitive healer / teacher is Christie Marie Sheldon.  I have used two of her energy healing products the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit and Unlimited Abundance Program and enjoyed and learned from both of them.1  In the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit, I learned more about the importance of your thoughts and feelings and how they affect your vibrational frequency, how to open up your intuition and how to clear energy in your body and environment.  This program is great for people just learning about energy work.  I am just about done with the Unlimited Abundance Program and it has taught me an easy and effective method for clearing limiting emotional blocks and beliefs.  It has over 24 hours of audio which helped me clear many blocks to abundance.  The program is not only for financial abundance, but for any type of abundance money, relationship and health.

My other favorite intuitive healer is Mashhur Anam from Life Harmonized who creates energy healing tools and once you download the tools, you can use them every day to do many different things. 2  I have many tools such as Rings of Harmony, Restore Inner Harmony, and Love is Power.  They all do different things but they cleanse and harmonize your energy system which helps you raise your personal vibrational frequency. Go to the website to learn about the tools, I love them.  Mashhur is not mainstream and may not appeal to energy beginners.

Since everything is energy, including us and our thoughts, we can affect the energy in and around us.  Developing these skills is a matter of learning to be aware and practice.  If you are not one of those people who are born with the intuitive or physic skills, you can learn to develop them.  I am taking a Seeing and Perceiving webinar through Quantum Touch. 3  Also, you can do meditations and exercises to develop the skill.  The Love or Above program I discussed above has some tools to develop intuition. 1  Working with energy is fun and with practice can be learned including energy healing.  Quantum Touch is an energy healing technique that you can learn for you, family and friends.

  1. Christie Marie Sheldon, and
  2. Life Harmonized
  3. Quantum Touch
  4. Photos are from