How to Cultivate a Healing Mindset…

In order to heal, you must have a Healing Mindset, you must Know you can Heal, Be Positive, Take Action, Accept and Trust.  We all know that we should focus on the positive things, but that isn’t always easy when you have financial, physical or emotional issues…

The steps to cultivating a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…

We have all heard the phrase, “What You Resist, Persists” from the Law of Attraction.  This idea also applies to healing.  The more we think about what is wrong with us, the more we bring what is wrong into our lives.  Our thoughts create our reality.  We also hear about surrendering and letting go of expectation because when we are attached to an outcome, it creates inter turmoil and stress.            .

When I first heard about Surrendering, I resisted it. But it doesn’t mean giving up or accepting that the situation will not change, it means stop fighting what is right now.   I sometimes get frustrated or discouraged when I work hard to get a result and it doesn’t happen.  I have learned and experienced that when I resist, it just gets harder.

I know that experiencing illness can feel overwhelming because it exacerbates the issues you had prior to the illness.  I would not have chosen to live the life I have over the last 15 years, but I have become so much stronger, accepting and more confident because of all the emotional energy healing that I’ve done.  I only did the work because of illness and resulting job loss.

When i get discouraged, i look for the lessons and the kindness around me.  I continue doing whatever I can to support my healing and stay in love and peace.

“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.” ― Marianne Williamson

In addition to the Law of Attraction, thinking about what is wrong causes stress and lowers consciousness which hinders healing.

Dr. David R. Hawkins performed a study to map the levels of consciousness which is documented in his book Power vs. Force.  According to Dr. Hawkins:

“all levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.”1

So according to this work, holding emotions such as humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate or scorn (which are below 200) are destructive to your life.

We want our thoughts / emotions to be at the level of Love 500 or higher on the Map of Consciousness for optimal healing.

“The elimination of suppressed emotions has a positive health benefit. It decreases the overflow of energy into the body’s autonomic nervous system, and it unblocks the acupuncture energy system (demonstrable by a simple muscle test). Therefore, as a person constantly surrenders, physical and psychosomatic disorders improve and frequently disappear altogether. There is a general reversal of pathologic processes in the body and a return to optimal functioning.”2

We accept our situation as it is now, knowing that we are healing and can recover.  We need to surrender and trust.


The steps to having a Healing Mindset are to know that it is possible to heal, focus on the positive things, do everything you are able to do to support healing, be present and trust that even though you may not see it, You Are Healing…

Each step will be explained in separate posts, see links below.

The Steps to a Healing Mindset: Steps 1 and 2

The Steps to a Healing Mindset: Steps 3, 4 and 5


Blessings With Pure Source Energy,


  1. Hawkins, David R M.D., Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc., 2002, Print.
  2. Hawkins, David R.. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender . Veritas Publishing. Kindle Edition.