Causes of Illness: Energy Healing Strategies

The second component of any healing strategies is releasing stress and trauma.  Many energy healing techniques work because they release or clear stress or a traumatic event and then the body heals itself.  Before I discuss how to identify and clear the stress, I want to discuss how I have come to believe that stress and trauma could cause disease or inhibit healing.  I believe there are other causes besides stress and trauma, but right now I want to discuss only those two.

The first time I heard that over 75% – 90% of all illness and disease was caused by stress was from The Healing Code book written by Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson. 1  In this book, Dr. Loyd discussed the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief.

In the Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton has an entire chapter of the growth and protection functions of an organism.  The growth function not only refers to growing from children to adult, but also in the repair and maintenance of our bodies.  The protection mode is triggered when we feel stressed or have a traumatic event, both can create a fight or flight response.  He explains the interaction between the two as follows:

“… humans unavoidably restrict their growth behaviors when they shift into a protection mode.  If you’re running from a mountain lion, it’s not a good idea to expend energy on growth.  In order to survive—that is, escape the lion—you summon all your energy for your fight or flight response.“

“Inhibiting growth process is also debilitating in that growth is a process that not only expends energy but is also required to produce energy.  Consequently, a sustained protection response inhibits the creation of life-sustaining energy.” 2

So, a cell or a human cannot be stressed and healing itself at the same time.  If you are in a state of continual stress then not only are your cells not healing, but they are not maintaining themselves, eliminating waste or duplicating.  The cells, the tissue and ultimately your body does not have the vitality it needs, it becomes weak and disease thrives.

Obviously, most of us are not encountering mountain lions in our lives, but Dr. Lipton explains that emotional stress creates the same biological response in our bodies.  The difference is that this emotional stress is continuous.

“We are constantly besieged by multitudes of unresolvable worries about our lives, our jobs and war-torn global community.  Such worries do not threaten our immediate survival, but they nevertheless can activate the HPA axis, resulting in chronically elevated stress hormones.” 2

“Almost every major illness that people acquire has been linked to chronic stress. (Sergerstrom and Miller 2004; Kopp and Rethelyi 2004; McEwen and Lasky 2002; McEwen and Seeman 1999)  Between 75 and 90 percent of primary-care physician visit have stress as a major contributing factor.  (Atkinson 2000) 2

I know that stress and several traumatic events either caused or greatly contributed to the physical condition of my body.  In it important to note, that what a person finds stressful depends on many things including their family lives and culture.  In the years following my diagnosis, because of the increase in physical limitations, personal problems and resulting stress, I developed other types of illnesses.  As the stress increased so did the severity of the symptoms and number of other ailments.  It was not until I started releasing the emotions of the stress and traumas did things start to turn around and my body began to heal. But by then, I had added layers upon layers of stress and ailments.  I am sure that if I started releasing when I was diagnosed, then I would not have gotten as weak as I did.  Hopefully now that energy healing is more publicized and common people will be able to aid in their own healing and even prevent illness.

When we learn how to release the stress and trauma affecting our bodies, we allow our bodies to return to the growth process so we can either heal or prevent illness.  There are many methods that release or clear stress and trauma trapped in your body.  Also, there are energy healing techniques that can be used to manage stress and they will be discussed later.

  1.  Loyd, Alex and Dr. Ben Johnson, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Any Health, Success and Relationship Issues, Arizona, Intermedia Publishing Group, Inc., 2010, Print.
  2. Lipton, Bruce H PhD, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2008, Print.

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